Social Risk Management Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Under Contract :Deadline: Apr 5, 2024


Job responsibilities

• Lead consultation meeting with stakeholders of the project during the implementation; • Ensure and supervise stakeholders and planning meetings review the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Framework and the Resettlement Policy Framework, Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for project financed activities. This includes activities financed by the World Bank and IDA, GEF, LDCF, NDF, GCF and AfDB); • Lead development of all reports to the donors related to social management for the project; • Assist the Project Coordinator/Sector Specialist in analyzing technical feasibility of subprojects during subproject review process, with particular emphasis on social issues;

• Assist the NPC to respond to the technical support requests from the Community- Based Groups (CBG), private operators, and other beneficiaries of the project and take necessary actions; • Work with the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to (i) identify adequate environmental indicators for Co-Management Interventions (CMIs) and (Community Driven Development (CDD) sub-projects, and (ii) ensure timely and adequate monitoring of project activity implementation to ensure environmental and social issues are considered and reported on time. • Organize technical workshop to review and validate project documents (including studies); • In collaboration with the Community Development Specialist, organize trainings and study tour for projects beneficiaries; • Conduct Social screening of the CDD sub-projects and monitor the implementation of the recommendations;

• Organize and supervise participatory environmental monitoring and auditing within project site in collaboration with Project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Specialist and other relevant project management unit team or SPIU team; • To ensure effective integration of social safeguards considerations into all aspects of identification, consultation, planning and implementation of project activities; • To supervise and implement the resettlement action plans, Livelihood Restoration Plans and regularly report on implementation progress; • Support in formation and training the grievance redress committees (GRC) at the at project site level and following up beneficiaries’ complaints • Consolidate a grievance database of all project sites under which the Project is implemented and maintain it updated, • To Coordinate and liaise with the World Bank to ensure effective mainstreaming of social safeguard issues into the implementation of project activities; • Document and share lesson learned and best practice with the network • To ensure that social safeguard related modules are incorporated in the training and capacity building programs at all the levels;

• Link with key project stakeholders to achieve the objective of the project; • In collaboration with M&E Specialist ensure that monitoring of the Social related results indicators (as per the projects results framework) is conducted on quarterly basis; • Perform any other activities directly related to the project objectives that will be assigned by the project Coordinators. • Develop and plan capacity building on community development related support targeting local leaders, NGO’s , CBOs and communities. • Empower the community in resilient livelihood

• Organize the communities in cooperatives, train them and organize study tours for cooperative members • Prepare regular reports on community development result framework based both the World Bank, and the Ministry of Environment • Work in close collaboration with District authorities and Joint Development Action Forum (JDAFs) • Provide guidance to communities on Sub-projects identification and ensure that the selection of subprojects is done in accordance with the guidelines and procedures specified in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) and that the Project reflect communities own priorities;

• Prepare and participate in World Bank Supervision missions and other external supervision and evaluation missions-by screening and analyzing reports as well as by furnishing direct personnel knowledge on the ground situation; • Provide a mechanism/guidelines which will ensure inclusion of social aspects in VCR program and other programs

Minimum qualificationsYou are not qualified!
    • 1
      Master’s in Rural Development

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 2
      Master’s Degree in Development Studies

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 3
      Master’s Degree in Sociology

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 4
      Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 5
      Master’s Degree in Natural Resources

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 6
      Master’s Degree in Rural Development

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 7
      Master’s Degree in Community Development

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 8
      Master’s Degree in Agribusiness

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 9
      Master’s in Social Sciences

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 10
      Master’s Degree in Environmental Studies

      5 Years of relevant experience

  • 11
    Master’s Degree in Tourism operational management

    5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

    • 2

    • 3
      Analytical skills

    • 4
      Decision making skills

    • 5. Risk management skills

    • 6. Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

    • 7. Project formulation and funding skills

    • 8. • Knowledge and experience in Rwandan regulations and permitting processes related to social risk management

  • 9. Skills in managing information security risks to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability

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