Gender Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Under Contract : Deadline: Apr 4, 2024


Job responsibilities

The VCR and CND gender specialists shall assist the Project Managers to identify drivers of change and gender dynamics required to achieve the program adaptation and mitigation objectives. • Ensure proper integration of gender aspects into the project implemented activities across different IPs/EEs using participatory techniques that involve both women and men in assessments and discussions. • Monitor Gender Action Plans for the projects, based on the project’s logical framework, that identifies specific entry points within the project to address/respond to gender considerations (both risks and opportunities) identified in the gender assessment. • The gender-responsive actions and outputs will facilitate implementation of activities that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. • Carry out/coordinate a comprehensive gender assessment/analysis and design a gender action plan that aligns with World Bank/GCF policies and fully responds to the unique and complex gender considerations within thesee projects.

  • The participatory gender analysis will consist of a mix of desk review and direct stakeholder consultation (e.g., through focus groups, key informant interviews, a baseline survey, other stakeholder engagement, livelihoods and benefit sharing questions that will be summarized in a gender assessment and used to inform activities for the gender action plan, both to be in compliance with the WB/GCF template and requirements. • Organize and carry out gender-responsive stakeholder consultation sessions with the aim of soliciting inputs and ensure both female and male stakeholder involvement and buy-in to the project, as well as to clearly identify any differential needs of women and men in relation to the project interventions. Ensure equal representation of women, men, and other vulnerable groups. • Identify and design of specific gender elements to be included in program activities. • To assess the communities of the area of intervention with focus on impacts, risks and access to/control over resources by women and men (including considerations of intersecting categories of identity such as age, social status, ethnicity, marital status, etc.), given the program’s context.

Minimum qualifications
    • 1

      Master’s Degree in Economics

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      Master’s Degree in Gender and Development

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 3

      Master’s Degree in Sociology

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 4

      Master’s Degree in Social Sciences

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 5

      Master’ degree in Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

      5 Years of relevant experience

  • 6

    Master’s degree in gender dynamics and development

    5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

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    • 3

    • 4
      Results oriented

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      Digital literacy skills

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      Knowledge of Rwandan Gender Sector

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      Ability to identify field and/or policy issues related to gender mainstreaming

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      Knowledge of gender analysis and understanding underlying causes of gender inequality

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      Knowledge on gender public policies and/or gender mainstreaming and women empowerment

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      Understanding of gender issues at all levels of policy influence

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      Experience with donor funded projects and prior implementation of donor’s safeguards policies, including on World Bank/ADB/AIIB financed operations, is an advantage.

  • 12
    working experience in gender equality and social inclusion in water resource management is an added advantage


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