2 Job positions of Senior Civil Engineer at City Of Kigali: Deadline:Feb 27, 2024


Job responsibilities

Overall Responsibilities/Duties The staff will be responsible of contract management for different civil works of a project from the design phase up to the project implementation phase. He /she will ensure that the works are implemented in accordance with the approved plans and meet the required standards. He/she will also ensure a smooth progress of works, quality of work and materials. In addition, the staff will make sure that the contracts meet the targeted timeline and budgets. Detailed tasks (Responsibilities) • Checking plans, drawings and quantities for accuracy of calculations; • Ensure that the infrastructure under construction are in full conformity with the signed agreements; • Propose an effective planning and coordination of donors funded projects and programs implemented by CoK; • Ensure project activities are carried out in conformity with the social and environmental safeguard requirements as described in specific ESMF/RPF. • checking contractors/consultants’ invoices and check whether they conform with the executed works or the provided consultancy services thus process the payment of those invoices. • Ensuring that all materials used and work performed are as per specifications; • Acting as the technical advisor for infrastructure and community facilities projects implemented through the SPIU of the City of Kigali; • Supervise day-to-day management of the projects, including supervising and monitoring the site progress and challenges and report regularly • Quality control of the infrastructure, community facilities and other services or facilities under implementation; • Planning the work and efficiently organizing the construction and site facilities in order to meet agreed deadlines and providing advice to resolve any unexpected technical difficulties and other problems that may arise; • Advise the implementing Agency on general construction management and monitoring. • Prepare ToRs, supervise technical studies and work supervision for roads, pathways, public facilities, drainage systems, etc • Reporting to the supervisors in accordance with the established reporting hierarchy and schedule,

Minimum qualifications
    • Master’s in Civil Engineering

      5 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering

      7 Years of relevant experience

    • 3

      Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management

      7 Years of relevant experience

  • 4

    Master’s Degree in Construction Management

    5 Years of relevant experience

    Required competencies and key technical skills

      • Teamwork

      • 2
        Analytical skills

      • 3
        Knowledge and understanding of Public Service Sector Ethics and Values

      • 4
        Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

      • 5
        Organizational and technical writing skills, and ability to effectively speak and write English

      • 6
        Communication skills

    • 7
      • GooAnalytical, problem-solving, leadership and critical thinking skills.

    Click here for more details & Apply



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