Key Population strategic Officer Under Contract at RBF-HIV/RBC/CS Contractual :Deadline: Feb 28, 2023


Job Description

– Coordinate HIV Prevention Technical Working Group (TWG) in order to develop and update comprehensive packages of HIV prevention services targeted to key populations, Priority population especially Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), and ensure that they are delivered in a coordinated, continuous, and evidence-based manner.
– Identify and provide analytical advice for evidence-based HIV prevention services targeted to key populations and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW);
– Contribute to the analysis and development of new or updated policies, positioning frameworks, guidance, standards, instruments, and tools for HIV prevention especially key populations and Adolescent Girls and Young Women.
– Provide guidance and support to enhance the capacity of implementing partners to implement HIV prevention programs targeted to key populations and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW);

– Contributing to the development and dissemination of HIV prevention messages for various target groups, including the general population;
– Contribute to the development and implementation of Behavioral Interventions for different target groups; Identify and provide analytical advice for evidence-based HIV prevention services and participate in policy dialogue;
– Support Prevention TWG to consolidate evidence on policy and programmatic action to scale up HIV prevention through ongoing review of international science-derived best practices and new research into efficient HIV prevention services.
– Examine the enabling environment and program stewardship functions, which include leadership and coordination as well as relevant policies and regulations.

NB: Required experience for all qualifications should beto have worked with communities especially in HIV response.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in Gender Studies

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s Degree in Global Health

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in Social Studies

    5 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in Epidemiology

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Master’s degree in Public Health

    2 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

Click here to apply


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