DevShop Development Phases at Sankore 2.0 :Deadline: 08-11-2022


DevShop Development Phases


This document groups DevShop platform features in their relevant phase of implementation. Additionally, phase II and III captures extended features suggested to the platform.

Phase I

This phase is expected to actualize a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the DevShop platform with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters – clients, and talents. Below is a summary of the features to be developed in this phase.

1. Landing page
2. Jobs listing page
3. Talents page
4. Integration of NEAR wallet (for authentication)
a. Users able to switch between talent and client dashboards
5. Integration of NEAR tokens (for monetary transactions)
a. Post a job, bid, sign a contract (work agreement), approve work done, and process payments.
6. Use NEAR JavaScript SDK for smart contract development
7. Integration of Server Side Rendering feature (use of Gatsby framework)
8. Freelance dashboard:
a. Manage Profile (display and edit)
b. Display My Jobs saved
c. Contracts active/completed
d. Support
e. Display wallet information

9. Client dashboard:
a. Manage Profile (display and edit)
b. Display My Jobs posted
c. Contracts completed/active
d. My Freelancers
e. Support
f. Display wallet information
g. Post job

10. Admin dashboard:
a. Overview page
b. Display Jobs posted and contracts signed
c. Help (view disputes)
d. Display wallet information

Phase II

This phase is expected to produce a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) of the DevShop platform with full-release features that satisfy user needs – clients and talents. Below is a summary of the features to be developed at this phase in two main categories: extended features and other features previously captured in the SRS but not actualized in phase I.

Extended features

  1. Integrate NEAR stablecoins as a payment mode in the smart contract.
  2. Allow the client and the freelancer the option to choose the payment mode: both clients and freelancers will be given room to choose freely the mode of payment between either NEAR tokens or NEAR stablecoins.
  3. Make it optional for the freelancer to purchase or not “Connects” before placing a bid. This will improve the user experience for freelancers as it might remove the limitation on the number of jobs they apply to. Additionally, “purchasing connects” may act as collateral to the job contract hence the talent is more likely to secure the job. This agreement will be archived in a blockchain storage solution and referenced in the smart contract.
  4. Adding a screening module that freelancers can access to put their skills to the test. This will help ascertain their capabilities to the clients and add more visibility to their profile. Their scores and achievements will be stored on the blockchain as well. In addition to the score, the freelancers will be able to feature projects they have worked on before to establish their prowess, listing GitHub repositories and any other relevant resource link.

Other Features

1. Search and filter modules
2. Messaging module
3. Freelancer dashboard:
a. Feature profile
b. Display proposals
c. My Reports
d. Raise dispute
e. Display client feedback
f. My Statistics

4. Client dashboard:
a. Raise dispute
b. Timesheet Details
c. Time by Freelancer
d. Transaction History
e. Feedback (rate freelancer)
5. Admin dashboard:
a. Site settings; Content Management System (CMS) for static pages
b. My Statistics
c. Manage client
d. Manage freelancer
e. Manage categories/sub-categories
f. Manage revenue rates
g. Manage connects plan
h.  Action disputes

Phase III

  1. Migrating to a Relational database (SQL) used for data storage, Postgres, or any premium relational database given the cloud platform used. Using a cloud-platform relational database solution would positively impact the scalability and efficiency of the platform.
  2. Integration of a reputable platform (e.g Binance) to convert Fiat to crypto if the client chooses to credit his account in FIAT. This also applies to freelancers who want to convert their crypto to Fiat.

How to apply

Interested candidates should send their application file (CV and cover letter) before Tuesday 08/11/2022 using the “Apply button below.

Click here to apply


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