Ibizamini byakozwe (PAST PAPERS) kumwanya wa EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF CELL


Q1.The number of cells and villages in Rwanda are respectively:

1. a) 2,148 and 14,837

2. b) 2,184 and 14,837

3. c) 2148 and 14,837

4. d) None is correct

Q2. The Decentralized administrative entities shall comprise the city of Kigali city, districts ,Sectors, Cells and villages. These entities shall be governed by:

1. a) Their respective councils

2. b) Their executive committees

3. c) Their respective councils and be under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Local Government

4. d) All are corrects

Q3. As much as possible, the planning process must be participatory. To apply this principle, the following should be done

1. a) Involve all stakeholders in planning process

2. b) Involve citizen in planning process

3. c) Involve existing forums and councils

4. d) All are corrects

Q4. According to the Law , administrative entities of a district are defined as follows:

1. District is divided into administrative entities comprised of sectors, cells and villages

2. A district is divided into administrative entities which are sectors ,cells and villages

3. A district is divided into administrative entities comprised of sectors that are subdivided into cells and cells into villages

4. All are corrects

Q5. Juridically, the difference between a district and lower level entities (sector, cell and village) is that:

1. a) In district highest decision are taken by the council which is not the case for its lower level entity

2. b) A district enjoys financial and human resource management autonomy while its lower level entities don’t

3. c) A district is decentralized administrative entity having legal personality while its lower level entities are decentralized entities without legal personality

d)All are corrects

Q6.How many district councils do we have in Rwanda






Q7.For a project implementation resources can be:

1. a) Human resources

2. b) Financial resources

3. d) Equipments

4. d) All are corrects

Q8.The recruitment of sector staff is the responsibility of the:

1. a) Sector

2. b) RALGA

3. C) District

d)All are corrects

Q9. The district Executive Committee comprises of:

1. a) The District mayor, the vice mayor in charge of economic development, the vice mayor in charge of social affairs

2. b) The district mayor, the vice mayor in charge of economic development, the vice mayor in charge of social affairs,The executive secretary

3. c) The district mayor, the vice mayor in charge of economic development, the vice mayor in charge of social affairs,The executive secretary, the executive secretary of the district council

4. d) None is correct

Q10.According to the Law governing the District ,the district executive secretariat shall comprise:

a)The district executive secretary and his/her administrative assistant

b)The district executive secretary and sector executive secretary

c) the district executive secretary and other staff appointed in accordance with relevant Laws

d)All district permanent staff on the payroll

Q11.The current National Strategy for Transformation (NST1) has how many cross cutting areas

1. a) Five

2. b) Seven

3. c) Four

4. d) Twelve

Q12. The current Rwandan vision is:

a)Vision 2020

b) Vision 2050

c)Vision 2030

d) All are corrects

Q13.The following concilise the pillars of NST1:

1. a) Economic Transformation

2. b) Socio-Economic transformation

3. c) Governance transformation

4. d) All are corrects

Q14.Why is a customer service so important to a corporate?

1. a) It is required by law in order for the company to operate

2. b) Customer service is merely an illusion

3. c) Gives a company a competitive advantage

4. d) Makes the line ups go faster/rend les lies d’attente plus rapide

Q15. All sector strategic plans and district development strategis would like into consideration . 1) environment 2)climate change:

1. Because as approved in NST1 ,both are among cross cutting areas

2. Because both are sources of accidents in Rwanda

3. Because are causes the other

4. All are corrects

Q16. All sector strategic plans and District Development strategies should take into consideration.a)Disability and Social inclusion; b)HIV/AIDS and non communicable diseases

1. a) Because,both are health

2. b) Because as approved in the NST1,both are among cross cutting areas

3. c) Because,both cause a lot of deaths

d)None is correct

Q17.Which of the following can not be treated as cash liquid


b)money orders


d)Special Imvestment

Q18.What does Results Based Management mean:

1. a) A broad management strategy aimed at changing the way institutions operates,by improving performance

2. b) The way organization applies processes and resources to achieve interventions targeted at commonly agreed results

3. c) An approach to project/programme management based on clearly defined results ,methodologies and tools to measure and achieve them

d)All are corrects

Q19) the following are considered as crosscutting areas as they have been raised in the NST1.Which of the following answers is false

1. a) Capacity development

2. b) Regional Integration

3. c) Gender and Family Promotion d)Security maintenance

Q20.In any case the civil registrar at the sector level will have to collaborate with the NIDA. What does NIDA mean in full?

a)National Identity Agency

b)National Identification Agency

c)National Identity Design Agency

d)National Identification Authority

Q21. How is called the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda:

1. a) The constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2015

2. b) The constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of as revised in 2015The constitution of the Republic

3. c) The constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015

4. d) The constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 replaced in 2015

Q22.The current EAC partners states are:

a)Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya,Burundi,Rwanda and Sudan b)Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya,Burundi,Rwanda, South Sudan and RDC

1. c) Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya,Burundi,Rwanda and South Sudan

2. d) Tanzania,Uganda,Kenya,Burundi,Rwanda Sudan and RDC

Q23 The process of planning in local government is highly supported by LODA. What does LODA mean in Full?

1. a) Local Organized Development Agency

2. b) Local Administrative Entities Development Agency

c)Local Organized Development Authority

d)None is correct

Q24.In accordance with article 26 of Law № 12/09/2013 on state finance and property related to the planning and budgeting calendar ,MINECOFIN produces and submits a planning and budgeting call circular (FECO) tov chief budget manager in order to:

1. Guide them in the planning and budgeting process for the concerned fiscal year

2. Help them to know their ceiling in budget

3. Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of their performance

4. All are corrects

Q25.Annual plans and budgetS of local governments are annually approved by district council and the city of Kigali .Therefore, the plans and budget for the year 2022/2023 will be approved by:

a)30 councils

b)28 councils


d)none is correct

Q26. Advantages of cashbook are:

a)Bank reconciliation

b)Accuracy/Precision in French

c)To detect errors in case of cash difference

d)All are corrects

Q27.The hierarchical structure of the juridical and regulatory framework in Rwanda is shaped as follows/La structure hierarchique du cadre jurdique et reglementaire au Rwanda se presente comme suit:

1. International laws ,constitutions,organic laws,instructions

2. Constitution,Internation Laws,Organic Laws,instructions

3. International laws ,constitutions, ,instructions, organic laws

4. None is corrects 5.

Q28.The following are among duties and responsibilities of the Director of M&E at District level

1. a) Provide technical support in the elaboration of strategies among at implement locally national policies and district council’s decision

2. b) Monitor the overall programs in the execution of the strategic plans, action plans, Imihigo

3. c) Ensure active participation of local development stakeholders to the planning and M&E d)All are corrects

Q29 Respect for the Hierarchy of Laws is fundamental to the rule of law as it dictate how the different levels of law will apply in practice. This help to understand the interaction between/ :


b)Organic Law

1. c) Ministerial order

2. d) All are corrects

Q30.According to the Law determining the organization and functioning of decentralized entities within the timeframe for the financial year is defined as follows:

1. It shall began on 15 July and end on 15 June at the following year

2. It shall began on 1 July and end on 30 June of the following year

3. It shall began on 1 July and end on 30 June of the year

4. It shall began on 1 July and end on 30 July of the following year

Q31.The Rwandan planning adopted the results Based Management (RBM) and IMIHIOGO approach a closer to the management system. Their relationship can bediscussed as follows:

1. a) Imihigo is originated from RBM translated in Kinyarwanda

2. b) RBM in particular applied in Imihigo whereby particular target are defined to be achieved in a specific time/dans un delai précis

3. c) Imihigo is a particularity of local government

4. d) none is correct

Q32. In Rwanda there is a direct link between local planning and national planning because:

1. a) Those planned at National level must refer to those provided for at local level and viceversa

2. b) The preparation of Imihigo at local level is done following what requested from national level

3. c) All planned programs at National level must be implemented in all districts

4. d) All are corrects

Q33.In accordance with laws governing the management of state finance,the general regulations governing the financial management with the decentralized administrative entities with legal personality is determined by an order of:

1. a) The Minister in charge of local administration and finance b)The Minister in charge of local administration and the minister in charge of finance

1. c) The Minister in charge of local administration

2. d) The Minister in charge of finance

Q34.The difference between the annual action plan and the strategic plan is that:

1. a) The first is prepared at local level and national level while the second is prepared only at national level

2. b) The first is defined over one year while the second is defined over a long period (more than three years)

3. c) The first is accompanied by a precise budget while the second is accompanied by a provisional budget

4. d) All re corrects

Q35.In the context of planning in Rwanda Imihigo can be defined as:

1. A practice drawn from Rwandan culture of identifying a number of activities to be carried out ,often within a period of one year, which activities to have a socio-economic impact

2. Rwandan home grown solution aiming at resources mobilization

3. A planning document signed between mayors and president of Republic

4. All are corrects

Q36.Versus annual action plan,Imihigo should made up of /par rapport au plan d’action annuel,Imihigo devrait etre compose de:

1. a) Activities extracted from the annual action plan

2. b) Important activities of the annual action plan targeting significant changes

3. c) Activities forming part of the annual action plan whose results of which can be evaluated with clear indicators

4. d) All are corrects

Q37.As much as possible ,the planning of a sector must be participatory to do so among the following what is the last with most important stakeholders to be involved:

a)Civil society organization,citizens,private sector members

b)Civil society organization ,private sector members,development partners,Faith-Based organization

c)NGOs,Civil society organization , ,development partners,Faith-Based organization d)Media,NGOs ,development partners,Faith-Based organization

Q38.The following are Decentralized administrative entities having legal personality:

1. a) The district of Kicukiro in the city of Kigali

2. b) The sector of Kakiru in G6asabo District

3. c) The western Province

4. d) None is correct

Q.39.What does SWOT analysis mean in full words

a)Strategy ,Weaknesses ,Operation and Threats

b)Strategy ,Weaknesse ,Opportunity and Threats

c) Strengths ,Weaknesses ,Opportunities and Threats

2. d) Strengths ,Weaknesses ,Operations and and Treatment

Q40.The responsibilities of the Executive secretary of the sector shall include to management of sector resources like

a)Sector equipment and infrastructures

b)executive secretaries of cells

c)teachers of primary schools located in the sector d)All are corrects

Q41.In the meeting, the use of visuals is necessary. They are used for purposes including: a)To attract the participation of audience

1. b) To help audiences to understand

2. c) Help participants to relax

d)All are corrects

Q42.Meetings are essential for task management and team development.Key factors for a successful meting include:

a) The chair of meeting who is expert in the topic on agenda

2. b) Clear and concise agenda of meeting

3. c) primary needs ,like water and juices supplied

4. d) All are corrects

43.The duties and responsibilities of the sector executive secretary include among others manage and coordinate activities of the sector ,convene and chair meetings of the executive committee of the sector, supervise activities related to civil registration ,officiate marriages .They are as performed through organization and management of different meetings at different levels

1. a) A face to face meeting 2.

b) A virtual meeting

3. c) A sector council meeting

4. d) All are corrects

Q44.The success of a meeting can be evaluated through:

a)the number of items discussed b)the number of decision taken

c)the level of participation d)All are corrects

Q45.According to the Law №87/2013 of 11/09/2013 determining the organization and functioning of decentralized administrative entities, the specific responsibilities of the executive secretary of the sector shall be among others to deliver civil status, to ensure good management of state property and resources in the sector

1. a) The law № 32/2016 of 28/08/2016 governing persons and family as revised in 2020 2. b) The law № 32/2016 of 28/08/2016 governing persons and family and law № 001/2020 of 02/2/2020 governing persons and family

3. c) The law №001/2020 of 02/02/2020 amending the law № 32/2016 of 28/08/2016 governing persons and family

d)none is correct

Q46. The property allocated to the administrative sector sector shall belong to the District such sector is located in because:

1. a) A sector does not have enough capacity in financial management

2. b) A sector is under supervision of the District

3. c) A sector is decentralized administrative entity without legal personality

d)All are corrects

Q47.The setup for a meeting room can be

1. Comference style

2. U shape

3. Classroom style.

All are corrects

Q48.The number of civil status registers is:

1. a) 4 2. b) 6 3. c) 7 4. d) 10

Q49. The staff of the sector belongs to the District .therefore, he executive secretary of the sector :

1. a) Recruits the staff of the sector after consultation with the Executive secretary of the District

2. b) Leads on behalf of the executive secretary of the District , the staff of the district working at sector level and follow up their management

3. c) Can’t evaluate staff working at the sector level

d)None is correct

Q50.Recently the law № 065/2021 OF 9/10/2021 governing the District was published ,this means that:

a)Law № 87/2013 0f 11/09/2013 determining the organization and functioning of decentralized administrative entities was replaced

1. b) Both Laws can be consulted by the Sector executive secretary to perform his/her work

2. c) To perform his work, the sector executive secretary should refer to the recent Law

3. d) None is correct


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