(x3) Acquisition & Technical Services Archivist at Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy kubantu bize Archives and Record Management;Archives and Documentation;Archives: Deadline: Mar 11, 2022


Job Description

1. Participation to the development of National Archives acquisition mechanisms and strategy and ensure their implementation,
 Elaborate and implement policies, guidelines, plans and procedures to guide the acquisition process of the National Archives, and disseminate them through the website;
 Develop the National Archives as a permanent comprehensive memory, past and present, of the Rwandan state and government and their institutions,
 Elaborate, update the national accession form and disseminate through the website;
 Receive archives transferred from the institutions and verify them according to the guidelines and national accession form;
 Register the selected archives to keep in the National Archives Services;
 In collaboration with the director of National Archives Services unit, conduct appraisal of incoming archives donations according to the established guidelines;
 Participate in national, regional and international professional meetings on archives collection development and acquisition;
 Produce a quarterly statistical report of the acquisitions process and disseminate them on website.

2. Implementation of professional archives technical services according to international standards.
 Implement policies and procedures on technical services and disseminate them through the website,
 Implement the international Standards for archives processing,
 Describe, classify and index the National Archives materials according to International Standards , Archives Description rules and the national authority files,
 Participate with the technical services librarian and the national bibliography officer to develop and maintain the national authority files of events, people and places to be used for the process treatment of archives and library materials,
 Supervise technical services of interns and volunteers work and integration,
 Provide a support of technical services to archives services in the country when needed,
 Produce a quarterly statistical report of treatment process.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives and Documentation

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Archives and Record Management

    Experience: 0

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Knowledge of archives and record management systems and maintenance

  • Knowledge and experience of principles, processes, general concepts and technics in archives preservation and conservation, physical or digital

  • Knowledge of principles, standards, methods used in archives and record management

  • Knowledge of national and international standards of archives processing, preserving and availing

  • Knowledge of national legislation governing the archives and privacy of people and organizations

  • Gacaca archives preservation skills;

  • Knowledge and understanding of content and context of the archives;

Click here to apply



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