(x2) Ecosystem and Landscape Restoration Specialist with level 3 And Echelon IV muri RWANDA FORESTRY AUTHORITY kubantu bize Development Studies; Rural Development; orestry Ecosystem Management; Agribusiness; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management; Biodiversity Conservation : Deadline: Jan 28, 2022


Job Description

• Engage with Ecosystem Restoration stakeholders and institution.
• Active involvement in identifying potential clients for ecosystem restoration services, including individual clients
• Development of supporting materials such as handbooks, instruction guides, etc., to perform verifications.
• Provide support to create and maintain the programme documents such as website contents and templates.
• Task Management and field auditing against the Ecosystem Restoration Standard (including contact client, programming, create engagement, coordinate logistics, implementation and completion of on-site work, reporting).
• Support the design and implementation of a restoration training programme.
• Provide training and information, as needed, for Preferred by Nature staff and/or external individuals.
• Work in collaboration with functional areas across Preferred by Nature to ensure strong stakeholder engagement, consistent communication, requirements captured accurately, and outputs delivered as planned.
• Participate in projects and in developing new project concepts.
• Create detailed work plans, schedules for successful project completion that effectively allocate the resources to the activities.
• Ensure that project activities are on-time, on-budget, and on-track for contributing to the achievement of the projects’ objectives and contractual obligations and programmatic objectives.
• In collaboration with the project coordinator, develop project monitoring and learning (M&L) systems to measure the impacts from the results of the projects and activities.
• Elaborate TORs of Forest Management Associations and Natural Resources Management Committees, in collaboration with administration staff.
• Coordinate and monitor the administration of project budgets and work plans according to approved contracts and internal agreements, work plans, internal procedures and policies, and donor requirements.
• Work closely with finance coordinator in preparing financial and technical reports and supporting documentation for donor as outlined in funding agreements.
• Provide specific technical assistance to project staff and colleagues to ensure the achievement of targets, results and deliverables on time and with high quality.
• Promote exchange of technical information among project components.
• Be proactive in seeking and delivering innovative solutions and technical information to project staff and colleagues.
• In collaboration with the Project Coordinator, develop and support the capture and sharing of project related knowledge to ensure the timely and quality delivery of knowledge products for specific audiences and other project outputs.
• Ensure effective information flow between all those engaged in or affected by project implementation.
• Establish files to ensure that all project information is appropriately documented and a communications schedule to update stakeholders including appropriate staff on the progress of the projects.
• Collaborate with the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, to apply the M&E framework and its tools to demonstrate the impacts of the projects and activities.
• Review the quality of the work completed with the project teams on a regular basis to ensure that it meets project standards.
• Facilitate effective collaboration between project team members, as appropriate, to ensure thematic alignment of project implementation.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s in Rural Development

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies;Rural Development;orestry Ecosystem Management;Agribusiness

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Development Studies

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Rural Development

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Forestry Ecosystem Management

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry Ecosystem Management

    Experience: 1

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Agribusiness

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biodiversity Conservation

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Biodiversity Conservation

    Experience: 3

  • Masters in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management

    Experience: 3

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Understanding Rwanda’s environment system

  • Problem solving skills

  • Time management skills

  • Results oriented

  • Digital literacy skills

  • Complex Problem Solving Skills

  • Extensive Knowledge in Forestry and Natural Resources

Click here to apply



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