Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at McMaster University in Canada, 2022


Application Process

STEP 1: Activate your MacID and login to AwardSpring

To access AwardSpring, you will have to be a Faculty of Engineering applicant

Please note that your login credentials for AwardSpring are the same as your Mosaic

It may take a few business days for your profile to connect to AwardSpring after applying on the OUAC and activating Mosaic. If you still don’t have access, email us at thinkeng@mcmaster.ca

Important Note: Only applicants from high-school are eligible for our Faculty of Engineering scholarships.

STEP 2: Complete the common application

Complete your ‘Common Application’ which will begin your scholarship application process. There are three sections you will need to complete as part of your common application. You do not need to complete the Academic Information, Financial Information and Qualification Questions tabs. These sections will be blank and are only visible to current McMaster students.

The below chart guides you through the steps for each section:

PrivacyRead onlyApplication Tips & Personal InformationRead onlyAcademic InformationNo action; blankFinancial InformationNo action; blankQualification QuestionsNo action; blankConsents and DeclarationsRead, sign-off, and click SUBMIT

STEP 3: Apply for the Faculty of Engineering Entrance Awards

Once you’ve completed your common application, you will be redirected to the Dashboard where you will be able to access your engineering scholarship application. Once in the application, you will be asked to:

[OPTIONAL] Share any special circumstances that would be helpful in the evaluation of your application

List any awards or recognitions that you may achieved

Showcase your extracurricular involvement

Highlight any employment, volunteer and/or entrepreneurship experiences you’ve had

Confirm your involvement with any external organizations

Respond to three short-answer questions

Include the contact information of two referees that will submit a reference letter on your behalf

Don’t forget that you will need to request your references directly from your referees through AwardSpring. Please allow enough time before the deadline for your referees to receive the email and upload your letter. Your referee can upload after you click submit.

BONUS: Be sure to check out Ashleigh’s story on her experience as a MacEng Scholarship Winner! 

STEP 4: Submit & Celebrate! Congratulations, your application is in!

Need to make any changes? Simply return to your engineering scholarship application (can be found under the Scholarships tab with an “Applied” status), make your edits, and hit resubmit! Just don’t forget to do so before the deadline which is Friday, February 18th @12PM (noon) ET. 

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