Imyanya 7 y’akazi muri NATIONAL LAW REFORM COMMISSION (NLRC) ku bantu bize (Law, Management, Economics, Accounting, Administration, Procurement, Communication, Journalism,Etc,….) (Deadline:Nov 24, 2021)


1.Procurement Officer

Job Description

Consolidate the list of procurement needs from different units;
– Participate in and ensure appropriate market survey for estimation of prices;
– Elaborate an annual procurement plan;
– Prepare tender documents;
– Prepare Tender Announcements;
– Receive and safe keeping of bids;
– Prepare documents that will be used during meetings calling for tender;
– Participate in bid opening and evaluation;
– Act as Secretary to the Public Tender Committee;
– Prepare notification letters to the bidders
– Prepare contract to be submitted to the successful bidder
– Monitor contract execution and keep contract management files updated;
– File all procurement proceedings for the procuring entity;
– Participate in checking of goods delivered by the supply and sign on reception note;
– Constitute the whole tender file to be submitted to Finance Unit for consultancy/goods payment (Request for tender, Call for tender, Tender process report, contract, consultant’s report) before any engagement of expenditures;
– In collaboration with user units, Monitor the contract execution, including make alerts on delivery deadlines;
– Provide guidance, advice and support to officials on procurement processes.
– Perform any other duties as may be assigned by his or her supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement

Experience: 0

Degree in Management with recognized procurement professional certification

Experience: 0

Degree in Law with recognized procurement professional certification

Experience: 0

Degree in Economics with recognized procurement professional certification

Experience: 0

Degree in Civil Engineering with recognized procurement professional certification

Experience: 0

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Resource management skills

Analytical skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

Understanding of public procurement laws and procedures in Rwanda

Experience of working with E-government, procurement system or other procurement software

Knowledge of procurement techniques as well as in market


Click here to read more and apply

2.Logistics Officer

Job Description

1. Manage logistics operations;
2. Prepare logistics and support plans;
3. Develop and implement methodologies and tools to enable effective execution of logistic plans;
4. Manage stock and continuously monitor the movement of stock;
5. Organise and supervise the distribution of purchased assets;
6. Ensure the delivery of any material or equipment ordered by the Commission;
7. Monitor the execution of suppliers’ contracts in liaison with the Procurement Office;
8. Elaborate periodic inventory of fixed and non -fixed assets;
9. Participate in the elaboration of contracts for the maintenance of tools and equipment;
10. Ensure maintenance of fixed and non-fixed assets of the Commission;
11. Perform any other duties that may be assigned his/her supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Management

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Supply Chain Management

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Store Management

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Management

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Economics

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Logistics Management

Experience: 0

Advanced Diploma in Assets Management

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Store Management

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting

Experience: 0

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

Resource management skills

– Analytical skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Click here to read more and apply

3.Legislative Drafting Specialist

Job Description

1. Analyze law reform proposals and draft related legal instruments;
2. Draft legal instruments initiated by the Commission;
3. Assist public institutions in the drafting of legal instruments;
4. Provide legal opinion on draft legal instruments or any other legal matter as may be required;

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting

Experience: 3

Master’s Degree in International Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Administrative Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Legal Studies

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Legal Studies with Diploma in Legislative Drafting.

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Civil Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Public Law

Experience: 1

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Knowledge to analyse complex legal information and to present it clearly, comprehensively and accurately, both orally and in writing;

Knowledge of Rwandan legal system with a good knowledge of other legal system;

Legislative drafting skills;

Resource management skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Click here to read more and Apply

4. (2)Legislative Translation Specialist

Job Description

1. Translate draft legal instruments initiated by the commission;
2. Check original text to ensure that translation retains the content and the meaning of the original material;
3. Check translation of technical terms and legal terminology to ensure that they are accurate and remain consistent;
4. Ensure harmonization of languages of adopted legal instruments;
5. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by his/her supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

in Business Law

Experience: 1

Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting

Experience: 3

Master’s Degree in International Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Administrative Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Legal Studies

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Civil Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Legislative Drafting

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Public Law

Experience: 1

Bachelor’s degree in applied translation studies

Experience: 3

Master’s degree in applied translation studies

Experience: 1

Bachelor’s degree in languages

Experience: 3

Master’s degree in languages

Experience: 1

Bachelor’s degree in literature

Experience: 3

Master’s degree in literature

Experience: 1

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Knowledge to analyse complex legal information and to present it clearly, comprehensively and accurately, both orally and in writing;

Knowledge of Rwandan legal system with a good knowledge of other legal system;

Legislative drafting skills;

Translation skills

Resource management skills

– Analytical skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Click here to read more and Apply

6.Legal Reform and Revision Specialist

Job Description

1. Analyze laws that require reform or need to be revised and prepare reports accordingly;
2. Prepare drafts of legal instruments for reform or revision purposes;
3. Identify national laws that require harmonization with international instruments ratified by Rwanda;
4. Manage the database (Taxonomy) of laws of Rwanda and international instruments ratified by Rwanda and update it as new ones are published from time to time;
5. Index laws and prepare compendia of related laws to ensure easy access of and reference to the laws;
6. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by his/her supervisor

Minimum Qualifications

in Business Law

Experience: 1

Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting

Experience: 3

Master’s Degree in Administrative Law

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Legal Studies

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Criminal Law with Diploma in Legal Practice or a Diploma in Legislative Drafting.

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in International Law with Diploma in Legal Practice or a Diploma in Legislative Drafting.

Experience: 1

Master’s Degree in Civil Law

Experience: 1

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Knowledge to analyse complex legal information and to present it clearly, comprehensively and accurately, both orally and in writing;

Knowledge of research tools as well as data analysis;

Knowledge of Rwandan legal system with a good knowledge of other legal system;

Resource management skills

– Analytical skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda or French; knowledge of all languages is an added advantage

Click here to read more and Apply

7.Public Relations and Communication Officer

Job Description

Design target messages for different public users and prepare the budget related to;
2. Participate in elaboration and negotiation of contracts with suitable radio and TV medias for message dissemination.

B. Organize all surveys or opinion polls on services offered by the Commission on request of persons in charge
1. Design methods and tools for operation;
2. Collect, count and analyze survey results and proposals placed in the box for suggestions’;
3. Collect and process data obtained from users on basis of their expectations, satisfaction level, types of litigations, etc;
4. Make recommendations on institutional image improvement measures.

C. Organize and/or participate in press seminars and conferences involving the Commission
1. Write speeches, messages and press releases for authorities;
2. Organize and cover audiences and institution press conferences, round tables and sermons;
3. Organize radio and TV broadcasts to inform the public on the activities of the Commission.

D. Inform the Commission on quality of its image according to public and partners’ point of view
1. Make a critical analysis of publications in national or international media concerning the institution and produce synthetic technical notes to authorities.

E. Elaborate and ensure internal communication for a better implementation of the communication plan
1. Regularly inform the Commission’s staff on decisions made and meeting recommendations;
2. Keep staff informed on different agendas concerning the institution;
3. Be in charge of handling and updating social media accounts of the Commission;
4. Perform any other duty as may be assigned by his/her supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor’s Degree in Communication

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism

Experience: 0

Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations

Experience: 0

Degree in any other field with a relevant professional experience in communication, media and/or public relations

Experience: 0

Competency and Key Technical Skills


Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.





Client/citizen focus


Commitment to continuous learning

Ability to convey ideas clearly and concisely

Verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills

Knowledge of online communication tools with special emphasis in audio-visual production and dissemination

Report writing and presentation skills

Ability to understand and apply fundamental concepts and principles related to investigating facts, gathering and packaging of information for effective delivery to audiences

Fluency in speaking and writing Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Fluency in all 4 national languages (including. Swahili) is an added advantage.

Ability to develop and implement communications initiatives using appropriate tools and channels;

Fluency in speaking and writing Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Fluency in all 4 national languages (including Swahili) is an added advantage.

Knowledge of online communication tools with special emphasis in audio-visual production and dissemination;

Creative thinking skills and solution-oriented attitude;

Ability to convey ideas clearly and concisely;

Report writing and presentation skills;

Research and critical thinking skills;

Resource management skills

– Analytical skills

Problem solving skills

Decision making skills

Time management skills

Risk management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

– Ability to understand and apply fundamental concepts and principles related to investigating facts, gathering and packaging of information for effective delivery to audience

Click here to read more and Apply


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