2 consultancy opportunities at Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association (RWVCA) : Deadline 23-08-2021


1. Consultancy Services to Develop RWVCA Website and other Communication Materials Deadline 23-08-2021


Consultancy services to develop RWVCA Website and other communication materials.


 The Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association (RWVCA) represents the interest of the wood sector operators in Rwanda. The main objective of the Association is to advocate for members to increase their competitiveness at national and regional market, sharing of information on available opportunity and ensure collective dialogue for advocacy, organize technical & managerial trainings to strengthen the capacity of the members and encourage collective purchasing of high-end equipment that require a lot of investment. Its mission is to provide professional advocacy and business development services to the members while upholding all relevant standards and regulations of the Government of Rwanda. To achieve this mission, the association has developed and validated a 3 years strategic plan which is in line with the national wood sector strategic plan of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association as a membership based organization is composed of various Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and individual entrepreneurs operating in the wood sector.  In Rwanda, Small and Medium Enterprises in the wood sector are still facing with many challenges hindering their sustainability and profitability namely limited knowledge in ICT and digitalization. Digitalization and technological change have significantly been considered as driver to the industrial growth. Members of association need to have access to the updated information on Business development services (BDS) and market opportunity to optimize the use of available information and opportunity in their daily business.  It is in this regard that RWVCA association is looking for a national consultant to design, develop, implement, and maintain a web platform and other communication materials for RWVCA.


 The overall objective of the assignment is to increase RWVCA visibility and interaction with members and stakeholders.


 The national consultant will work closely with RWVCA experts in close collaboration with Incubators Accelerator Facility IT expert.


 The consultant is required to design, develop, test, maintain and implement a web platform (website), set database for RWVCA and other communication materials for RWVCA within the designated time frame which meets the following criteria:

4.1. The consultant will guide and encourage RWVCA members to develop their own web pages.

4.2. Development and construction of website and database. The consultant will:

  • Design and develop conceptual framework for structure of the RWVCA website and database.
  • Shoot and upload to web photos and video respectively to function of the value chain.
  • Creates the FAQ and the online interaction to help the interested responders to be updated and informed about the RWVCA services.
  • Maintain the website for one year after development and publishing.
  • Design guidance and insert in text of website content in English and Kinyarwanda, other material to be included on the site (e.g., photo, video, maps) and all materials.
  • The website should provide an automated challenge system that reduces the number of spam comments/posts that either need moderation or slip through filtering mechanisms.

4.3. Development of other promotion material for RWVCA

  • The consultant will develop and design One-page RWVCA factsheet.
  • Design and develop Business cards for RWVCA employees and association banner.


 The Consultant shall prepare:

  • Inception Report spelling out how the assignment will be carried out, the resources to be hosted, the timelines for all the milestones and the methodology that will be used in carrying out the assignment and any other matter which the Consultant wishes to raise relative to the assignment.
  • Wireframe’s documentation that represents the different layouts that form the website.
  • Mockup’s documentation that highlight of the website.
  • Final Report that summarizes the work performed, the results achieved, and recommendations for follow-on action to further the objectives of the assignment and ensure sustainability. The Final Report should include the latest versions of all documentations.
  • RWVCA association members’ database.
  • A training manual on website updating information security and one year maintenance.
  • Pictures/ videos to be uploaded on the website for better explanation of Rwanda Wood Value chain phases and clusters.
  • Business Cards for RWVCA employees.
  • A RWVCA Panel.
  • A factsheet summarizing RWVCA vision, mission, goals, strategic plans, etc.


6.1. Required experience
The consultant must meet the following minimum eligibility criteriaꓽ.

  • University Degree: BSc-Computer Science or related educational background, with an MSc in Computer Science considered an advantage.
  • Knowledge of Database Design and Development using either: Microsoft SQK Server, Oracle, or MS Access.
  • At least 3 years’ experience in website design and development, database design and development.
  • Proven experience in information management.
  • Knowledge of Web Design Editors: Dreamweaver MX, Delphi for PHP, Front Page, and other related editors.
  • Language skills: Fluency in English and Kinyarwanda, particularly with regards to the website terminology is highly desirable.

 6.2. Competencies 

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to effectively handle multiples under time constraint.


7.1. Contact
 In case of questions regarding this assignment, please send an email to rwvca2018@gmail.com with a copy to egide.ruhumuriza@gmail.com by August 19th, 2021. Please note that for a fair tender process, we will only respond to publicly available information.

7.2. Reporting 

 The consultant will report to the RWVCA Wood Expert and PSD. The consultant will share the results from time to time the progress of the activities under this contract.

7.3. Timeframe

 The entire work is expected to be completed in estimated duration of 15 working days from the signing of the contract. This period includes the development of website, database and report writing.

7.4. Submission of proposal 

 The prospective consultants will be required to electronically submit the proposal (both the technical and financial proposal in one PDF format) to the following email: rwvca2018@gmail.com and with a copy to egide.ruhumuriza@gmail.com . The technical proposal should include the CVs, proof of similar work, and profile of the consultant. The financial proposal should comply with all tax payment to RRA.

 The subject line subject marked Consultancy services to develop RWVCA Website and other communication materials.’.’

 Not later than Monday August 23rd, 2021 before end of business day.

  Kigali, August 09th, 2021


2. National Consultant to Explore BDS and Access to Finance Opportunities for wood sector in Rwanda: Deadline 23-08-2021


National Consultant to explore BDS and access to finance opportunities for wood sector in Rwanda.


 The Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association (RWVCA) represents the interest of the wood sector operators in Rwanda. The main objective of the Association is to advocate for members to increase their competitiveness at national and regional market, sharing of information on available opportunity and ensure collective dialogue for advocacy, organize technical & managerial trainings to strengthen the capacity of the members and encourage collective purchasing of high-end equipment that require a lot of investment. Its mission is to provide professional advocacy and business development services to the members while upholding all relevant standards and regulations of the Government of Rwanda. To achieve this mission, the association has developed and validated a 3 years strategic plan which is in line with the national wood sector strategic plan of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association as a membership organization is composed of various Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and individual entrepreneurs operating in the wood sector. In Rwanda, Small and Medium Enterprises in the wood sector are still facing with many challenges hindering their sustainability and profitability namely lack of access to finance, failure to optimize resources and revenues, weak business linkages and business development services networks, a limited knowledge of end-market requirements.  It is in this regard that RWVCA is looking for a national consultant to conduct a deep study on BDS and access to finance opportunities for wood sector operators in Rwanda.


 To explore BDS and access to finance opportunities for wood sector in Rwanda.


 National consultant will outsource all BDS providers covering all six functions of Wood Value Chain and financial business opportunities in all financial institutions that offer financial services to wood business.


 The process will adopt a mixed methodology that includes a desk review, questionnaire, field visits, face to face meeting with wood stakeholders and government institutions.


5.1. The consultant will visit public and government institutions actors in wood sector (PSF, GIZ, MINICOM, RDB, BDF, FONERWA, RFA, RWAFA, etc.) to understand their area of focus and potential collaboration with RWVCA to develop the  wood sector in Rwanda.

5.2.The consultant will conduct market investigation to develop customized products needed in the market for wood sector operator to be implemented by the association.

5.3. For Business  Development service, the consultant willꓽ

  • In close collaboration with RWVCA Members, explore business development service needed to grow their business and be competitive to domestic and regional market and set priority according to members needs.
  • Outsource all services providers according to members’ BDS needs and suggestions.
  • Conduct field inspection and map all Business Development Services available in Rwanda across the whole value chain and highlight all services providers.
  • Organize interactive session with Members of association to present the report and discuss the findings.
  • Collaborate with Incubator & Accelerator Program for the Rwandan wood sector, with the main objective of improving the competitiveness of start – ups and companies in the wood value chain.

5.4. Access To finance, the consultant will:

  • Visit wood companies and cooperatives to examine the financial products needed respectfully to the wood value chain.
  • Visit all financial institutions and collect information on their financial product including SMEs packages and start-ups.
  • Discuss and explain wood operator’s proposal on ideal financial products that they could offer respectively to the nature and biodiversity of Wood Value Chain functions and products.


6.1. Inception report detailing the understanding of the assignment and methodology.
6.2. A holistic list of service providers per value chain functions and other connected sectors.
6.3. A list of all financial institutions and their financial products.
6.4. Proposed financial products per function of the value chain.
6.5. Provide On page describing the content note on BDS and access to finance in wood sector to be uploaded on the website.
6.6. Submit a draft report for review and final report after reception of comments from technical team.


7.1. Required experience

 The consultant must meet the following minimum eligibility criteriaꓽ.

  • Degree in Forestry, wood technology, development studies or other business-related degree.
  • Experience in Business Development Services, having experience in the wood sector is an added advantage.
  • The consultant should have executed at minimum 3 similar tasks in Rwanda proven by certificates.
  • The consultant should be fluent in English and Kinyarwanda

7.2.    Competencies 

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to effectively handle multiples under time constraint.


8.1. Contact
In case of questions regarding this assignment, please send an email to rwvca2018@gmail.com with a copy to egide.ruhumuriza@gmail.com by August 19th, 2021. Please note that for a fair tender process, we will only respond to publicly available information.

8.2. Reporting 

 The consultant will report to the RWVCA Wood Expert and PSD. The consultant will share the results from time to time the progress of the activities under this contract.

8.3. Timeframe

 The entire work is expected to be completed in estimated duration of 15 working days from the signing of the contract. This period includes the desk review, fieldwork and reporting writing.

8.4. Submission of proposal 

The prospective consultants will be required to electronically submit the proposal (both the technical and financial proposal in one PDF format) to the following email: rwvca2018@gmail.com  and with a copy to egide.ruhumuriza@gmail.com. The technical proposal should include the CVs, proof of similar work, and profile of the consultant. The financial proposal should comply with all tax payment to RRA.

The subject line subject marked ‘National consultant to explore BDS and access to finance opportunities for wood sector in Rwanda.’

 Not later than Monday August 23rd, 2021 before end of business day.

Kigali, August 09th, 2021



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