Trier University International Scholarships in Germany


Scholarship Overview

Unlock your academic potential with the help of this International scholarship offered by the University of Trier. The award is open for the academic year 2021/2022.

Scholarship Benefits

Value of the scholarship:

up to 350 Euros per month for students in Bachelor’s programmes

up to 400 Euros per month for students in Magister, Master’s, Diploma, or State Exam degree programmes

Scholarship period:

Period of support: maximum 6 months

For Bachelor’s and Master’s students and students in one or two-year postgraduate programmes (e.g. LLM etc.) the period of support is usually not extended.

For students in  State Exam degrees, an extension of the scholarship period for up to 6 further months is allowed in exceptional circumstances.

The scholarship holder can be in the final stages of their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

The scholarship support ends at the end of the month in which the scholarship holder sits their last exam or submits their final dissertation.

Scholarship Eligibility

Applications are accepted from students who…

are not of German nationality,

are registered at Trier University in order to acquire a degree qualification

need financial support,

and who, based on their previously achieved grades, are likely graduate within a maximum of two semesters.

Applications are NOT accepted from students who…

are exchange students or short-term students at Trier University

are registered at Trier University only to acquire an academic certificate but not a full degree qualification

are of German nationality or who have completed their under-graduate studies in Germany

receive BAföG payments

are receiving a full stipend or scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service or similar organisation

are planning to complete a study programme or work placement abroad during the period of the scholarship

are in the first term of a one-year Master’s degree programme

Apply here


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