RWTH Scholarships for Doctoral Students in Germany


Who is Eligible to Apply?

Eligible to apply for funding are students with an above average degree which qualifies for doctoral studies. The applicant’s research endeavour is expected to make an important and original contribution in the respective field of study.

The applicant must be enrolled as a doctoral student at RWTH Aachen University.

What Type of Scholarship is Being Awarded?

Successful applicants are ganted a basic scholarship. As a rule, the basic scholarship should be awarded within one year after graduation.

The basic scholarship is to provide academically gifted graduates, who have demonstrated their scholarly abilities during their studies, with the opportunity to fully concentrate on their research as part of their doctoral studies.

Scholarship Period

As a rule, basic scholarships are awarded for a period of one year. Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to apply for an extension of the scholarship. If the application is approved based on a positive application, a two-year extension of the scholarship will be granted.

The maximum scholarship period is 36 months.

Scholarship Amount

Scholarship holders receive 1,400 euros per month. If the scholarship recipient has a child (or children), he or she will receive an additional monthly allowance of 400 euros.

Employment / Additional Income

Scholarship recipients are allowed to gain a small-scale additional income (that is, jobs with up to 10 h a week) beside their scholarship.

Scholarship Withdrawal

The University reserves the right to revoke the scholarship if it becomes obvious that the recipient does not apply him- or herself to fulfilling the aims of the scholarship. The scholarship can also be withdrawn retroactively.


The application process is conducted by the Division for Academic Affairs, Examination and University Law. A University committee, consisting of the rector (or a delegate named by the rector), two professors, a postdcoc, and a student representative, decides on the scholarship recipients. Applications are to be made to the

Rektor der RWTH Aachen
Abteilung 1.1 – Akademische Angelegenheiten, Prüfungs- und Hochschulrecht
Karmeliterstraße 6
52064 Aachen

Please submit all the application materials electronically as well.

Deadlines for Application

September 15 for the scholarship period starting November 1.

More Information about the Application Process and Deadlines

Please contact Jessica Hannemann via telephone or email.

Official website


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