Child Justice and prevention Abuse Specialist at National Child Development Agency : Deadline: Jul 22,2021


1. Child Justice and prevention Abuse Specialist

Job Description

1. Coordination of justice for children and prevention of abuse intervention with MINIJUST, MIGEPROF, GMO, other key Government agencies and partners to harmonize national targets and strategies.
– Design and implement the annual plan to coordinate justice for children and prevention of abuse intervention.
– Elaborate the annual plan to coordinate justice for children and prevention of abuse activities nationwide.
– Ensure the approval of the plan by the Head of Department and monitor its implementation.
– Disseminate the plan to decentralized local levels for implementation.
2. Lead in developing strategic guidance documents (ToRs, Concept notes, position papers etc) for stakeholder’s engagements and meeting.
– NCDA focal person in liaison stakeholder for organizing meeting, events, awareness campaigns and interventions related to justice for children and prevention of abuse and follow-up on action plans and share progress.
3. Capacity building of the decentralized child protection system and social workforce on related to justice for children and prevention of child abuse:
– Develop capacity building plan.
– Disseminate and implement through a cascading program with partners.
4. Maintain relationships with various public and private partners on justice for children and prevention of child abuse:
– Provide technical support and follow up on monitoring activities.
– Proactively reach out and involve private sector and civil society organizations in the implementation of justice for children and child abuse prevention interventions.
– Ensure reporting of key interventions by stakeholders in accordance with national priorities.
5. Ensure reporting, documentation and publication of key performance indicators and findings and lessons learnt:
– Identify study and research needs related to justice for children and prevention of child abuse and share with relevant officials.
– Develop concept notes and /or TORs for the planned studies related to justice for children and prevention of child abuse.
– Follow up on survey and study reports and ensure validation and dissemination of study/ survey findings.
– Follow up on the implementation of study and survey recommendations.
6. In partnership with M&E specialist, develop, review and report on related to justice for children and prevention of child abuse indicators and collecting/analyzing related information.
7. Overall integration and collaboration within the Agency:
– Work closely with all specialists of the Agency to ensure integrated Justice to Children, child protection and promotion service delivery, coordination, and monitoring and to foster synergies between activities.
8. Budget Management and control:
– Work closely with the Finance Unit and Head of department to execute budget in a timely and efficient manner.
9. Ensuring adherence to quality comprehensive services for children related to justice for children and child abuse prevention:
– Through rigorous and frequent monitoring of Isange One Stop Centres (IOSC) and safe rooms, ensures that child protection standards and comprehensive services are adhered to in collaboration with the Child Protection Specialist.
– Develops tools for continuous improvement of quality.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in Law

    Experience: 1

  • Master’s Degree in Education Sciences

    Experience: 1

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Education Sciences

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Psychology

    Experience: 1

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Decision making skills

  • Digital literacy skills

  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Click here to apply


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