Utrecht University First talent Scholarships for International Students Master’s programme in the Netherlands


Talented students from among others, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh and Colombia have been awarded the first LEG-ITS scholarships, in full: the Law, Economics and Governance – International Talent Scholarships.

The LEG-ITS scholarships amount to 5000 euro for students who have to pay the statutory tuition fee (from EU / EAA countries) and 17.500 euro for students who have to pay the “institutional tuition fee” (most non-EU / EAA countries) . The students must be able to present excellent academic results, a career vision and prove their societal engagement. More information about the criteria for eligibility can be found on the LEG-ITS webpage.

In addition to these new scholarships, the Utrecht Excellent Scholarships and the Holland Scholarships were also awarded, as were the KABS, the Kofi Annan Business School scholarships.

The recipients of the LEG-ITS (2018-2019) are:

Utrecht University School of Law
1 student from Mexico for the Legal Reseach Master
1 student from Azerbaijan for Public International Law
1 student from Germany  for Public International Law
1 student from Italy for the Legal Reseach Master
1 student from Romania for Law and Economics (LLM track)

Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.)
1 student from Colombia for Law and Economics
1 student from Bangladesh for Multidisciplinary Economics (MSc track)
1 student from Russia for International Management

Utrecht University School of Governance
1 student from Brazil for European Governance
1 student from Taiwan for Research in Public Administration and Organizational Science

Personal story of a scholarship recipient of last year 

The LEG faculty also supports other scholarships like the Kofi Annan Business School (KABS) scholarships. Student Nsamwa Mwale, from Zambia, received one last year and explains what this has meant for her.

“One of the many things I have taken from my experience here, is the value of different cultures and being able to integrate them and get along. The teamwork has been remarkable and has made me more open and  expressive than I have ever been. I learnt to have an opinion that matters.

My Masters program (MSc. Business Development and Entrepreneurship) applied a different and more interactive and realistic approach to learning, which was a lot different from my bachelors and it involved a lot of group work and self studying. It was a push out of my comfort zone and sometimes very stressful. The moment I got a grip on what was going on, It was a smoother sail after.

Overall, when I get back to my home country, I will definitely not be the same person I was coming here. The exposure has been awesome, I cannot wait to go and diffuse what I have learnt and picked up from here.”

Official website


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