International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships in Canada 2021



International students entering post-secondary studies for the first time and registering in the first semester of a degree program in the fall semester.

Current Value for Fall 2021 (year 1) Annual Renewal Amount (years 2, 3, and 4)* Overall 4 Year total
$8,500 $4,000 $20,500
$7,500 $4,000 $19,500
$6,500 $4,000 $18,500
$5,500 $4,000 $17,500

*Students admitted in Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 and receiving an entrance scholarship are eligible to receive a $4,000 award in years 2, 3, and 4 if all renewal criteria (see below) are met each year.

Students’ Responsibilities

  1. Submit an application for admission.
  2. Ensure that my admission application is complete and all documents are received as requested by Admission Services, University of Guelph.

University’s Responsibilities

  1. Consider your application for admission and your scholarship eligibility when the required curriculum-specific supporting documentation, as stated on the Admission Services website, is received. Successful recipients will be informed of their scholarship with their offer of admission.
  2. Apply the scholarship to your U of G student account in two equal payments over the fall and winter semesters.

Conditions of Entrance Scholarships

  1. Recipients must register for both the fall and winter semesters in year 1.
  2. Recipients must pay the full-time International student tuition and fees.

    Renewal criteria

    1. Recipients must remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study (typically fall/winter).
    2. Recipients must continue to pay the International student tuition and fees.

    NOTE: Entrance scholarships cannot be deferred. Students who defer their offer of admission are reconsidered the following year based on the availability of scholarship for that cohort.

    Official Website


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