Imyanya 5 y`akazi muri Plan International Rwanda kubantu bize: finance or financial management,International Education, Deaf Education, Special Education, Education, Education Policy and Planning, Educational Administration, International Development,behavior change, communications, marketing;nursing, midwifery, public health, social sciences :Deadline: 17-04-2021

Twitter logo designed to fit the Twitter Avatar/Profile picture sizes. 1) The brand mark is owned by Plan International, Inc. and registered as a trade mark by PII. 2) The brand mark and Plan name is licensed (only) to each National, Regional and Country Organisation on membership, as set out in the bylaws (restated and amended by the Members Assembly in 2009). 3) Use of the brand mark is set out in the Global Identity Standard, which is one of the core standards which NOs sign up to on membership, and to which the Members Assembly can hold the NO offices accountable. 4) The Global Identity Standard states that the use of the brand mark must follow that set out in the Global Identity Guidelines (Communicating Plan = ID: 39246), which in turn states that the logo should appear in Plan Blue for corporate communications, or white (reversed) against one of the colours from the Plan colour palette for less formal communication.

Kanda kumwanya wifuza kudepozaho:


1. Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Technical Adviser-RBC at Plan International Rwanda : Deadline:17-04-2021

2. Social and Behavioral Change Communication Specialist at Plan International Rwanda: Deadline: 17-04-2021

3. Material Development & Procurement Specialist at Plan International Rwanda :Deadline: 17-04-2021

4. Disability Inclusive Education Specialist at Plan International Rwanda: Deadline 17-04-2021

5. Finance and Operations Director at Plan International Rwanda : Deadline: 17-04-2021



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