Terms of Reference to Carry out Ecosystem Services Valuation in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera Wetland Complexes: (Deadline 19 March 2021)


Terms of Reference to Carry out Ecosystem Services Valuation in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera Wetland Complexes: (Deadline 19 March 2021)

Project P03782; Wetland Ecosystem Service Assessment

1.    Background 

 Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) in partnership with Albertine Rift Conservation Society (Arcos Network) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is conducting a Wetland Ecosystem Service Assessment using an Ecological Integrity Assessment and Information Management framework to guide wetland management decisions in Rwanda. Part of the assessment includes the Ecosystem Services assessment and their economic valuation for selected sites in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera Wetland complexes.

There is a growing demand to mainstream the value of ecosystem services in decision-making in a bid to ensure sustainable development. With the increasing population and ever-growing demand for agricultural lands in Rwanda, the rate of converting wetlands conversion has been on the rise. This trend combined with the encroachment of human settlements on wetlands raises serious concerns on the economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The push to assess trade-offs in the use and management of wetlands in Rwanda is, therefore, an important step towards informing sustainable development for Rwanda. (See also SDG 15 on the wise use of ecosystem services – in poverty alleviation).

Using selected Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera sites as the pilot, this assessment seeks to set a precedent on how ecosystem services are identified, mapped, evaluated, and mainstreamed in decision-making in Rwanda. Through a participatory process, the study will use a combination of multiple tools/approaches in identifying, profiling, mapping, and valuing the ecosystem services. These include; the Integrated Wetland Management Toolkit (IWMT), the Red List of Ecosystem (RLE), InVEST, and  RIOS/ROOT. This will be followed by a total economic valuation, informing the use and management of wetlands in Rwanda.


The main objective is to carry out a total economic valuation of ecosystem services in the selected wetlands in Kigali City, and Rweru-Mugesera wetlands. The study will involve the development of a replicable methodology for ecosystem services assessment and total economic valuation and providing key and actionable recommendations for ecosystem mainstreaming in various sectors of development. It will involve collection, organization and the analysis of spatially explicit data to identify, assess and evaluate the key/priority ecosystem services in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera complexes. The results of this assessment will be the core input for a participatory process that aims to identify and prioritize management options and policy instruments to maintain and/or improve the flow of these key ecosystem services for the development processes in Rwanda. The expected outcome is an ecosystem-based decision-making guide for wetland management

2.    Methodology 

I.    Geographical scope and site selection

The study is it be carried out both in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera Wetland complexes. The selection of the specific wetlands will be determined through a GIS-based multi-criteria approach. Some of the criteria to be considered will include; the key categories of the wetlands, proximity to major settlements, consolidated sizes, expected diversity (protected wetlands vs wetland earmarked/set for agricultural activities), surrounding slopes (steep slopes), and vulnerability to soil erosion, etc.

II.    Identification of Key ecosystem services

Based on the Integrated Landscape Assessment and Monitoring (ILAM) Framework and measured indicators, key ES will be identified through a participatory detailed field assessment and a GIS-based inventory developed. The ES will be put in four categories namely; Provisioning, Regulatory, supporting, and Cultural Services. This will be preceded by a consultation meeting with key stakeholders including and not limited to MoE, REMA, RWB,RFA, MINAGRI, MINICOFIN , RHA, ICRAF, WCS, ARCOS, and IUCN. The ES prioritization scheme for key ecosystem services must be informed by both a scientific process (trade-offs among development goals and ecosystem services value to the country) and local stakeholder interests.

The stakeholder must approve the final list of the ES to be mapped, assessed, and evaluated.

III.    Mapping  and quantification of ES

Using spatially explicit tools – preferably InVEST – the endorsed ES will be modeled and quantified through scientific metrics and qualitative descriptions where appropriate.

IV.    Total Economic Valuation

This assessment will employ two methods for ES valuation. The Cost Benefits Analysis (CBA) and the benefit transfers methods. Provisioning services will be evaluated using the CBA approach while regulatory, supportive, and cultural services will be evaluated using the Benefits Transfer methods. Travel cost/aesthetic valuation methods might be applied where possible.

V.    Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services into Decision-Making Processes

Through stakeholder consultation, the value of ecosystem services will be matched with different development plans in the country so that actionable recommendations on sustainable development will be made.

VI.    Policy synthesis

In support of V above, a detailed policy and institutional diagnostic will be carried out to assess the responsiveness of the current framework and provide appropriate recommendations concerning implementation and coordination.

3.    Responsibilities of the consultant

a. Strengthening methodology: Building on the existing methodology the consultant will work with the project team to develop the final methodology for Ecosystem Services Assessment and their Total Economic Valuation.

b. Data collection and consolidation: The consultant will take lead on data collection and collation and identify key data gaps or integrity issues that may affect the finding in one way or the other. Depending on the availability and quality of secondary data sources, the consultant will support the documentation of Wetland ecosystem services, paying particular attention to collecting information on the Economic value of ES done in other countries that have similar settings as Rwanda. All data sources must be referenced.

c. Data Analysis and reporting:  The consultant will take lead on data analysis and validate the results and findings with the team of experts from the three institutions. He will then prepare a synthesized report that will include key recommendations to guide the management of wetlands as well as ecosystem services mainstreaming in different development sectors for sustainable development.

d. Stakeholder Validation: The Consultant will work with the IUCN team to fully validate the findings and make prepare the final report.

e.    The consultant will take the lead in the development of a policy brief connecting to the Wetland ES valuation findings.

4.    Key Tasks, Deliverables, and timeline

a.    Tasks

  • Produce a brief description of steps for undertaking the wetland valuation
  • Refine the assessment methodology to harmonized with ARCOS’s Integrated Landscape Assessment and Monitoring framework
  • Identify and engage stakeholders at different levels
  • Carry out an inventory of wetland services and quantify the capacity of different wetlands to provide ecosystem services on a sustainable basis. The inventory includes the current status of each ES and trends in their supply and demand and related stakeholders.
  • Assess the social and economic benefits of the priority ecosystem services
  • Document the ecological and socio-cultural value of wetland services
  • Document economic and monetary value of wetland services
  • Estimate the total value and type of value of wetland services (Ecological, social-cultural, and economic), compute the trade-off analysis, and deduct policy and management measures
  • Carry out a rigorous policy analysis to help understand existing gaps toward wetland management and propose policy options and entry points to use to capture ecosystem services risks and opportunities for sustainable management.
  • Prepare the technical reports and the policy brief which provide use options and entry points into ES management.

b.    Deliverables and timeline




Inception report which must include stakeholder engagement report, work plan, ES inventory

and final validated methodology.

By April 10th


First draft report (The ES assessment + Policy brief)

By April  20th


ES and final reports and final policy brief

By April 30th

  5.    Technical and financial proposal
Applicants should submit their technical and financial proposals including:

  • A brief cover letter noting motivation for submitting a proposal and suitability to provide requested services.
  • A brief description of the approach to be used and the work plan building on information provided in this ToR.
  • Updated CV(s), showcasing relevant experience and training.
  • A financial proposal with an indication of the number of days against tasks and or The total remuneration for the consultancy must be tax inclusive (15%) – to be withheld by IUCN.

6.    Qualification

The consultant should be a holder of MSc or Ph.D. in natural resources economics/management with more than 5 years of experience in carrying out similar consultancies. He /she must have:

  • Experience in the use of ES modeling tools.
  • Strong analytical skills, initiative, and demonstrate problem–solving skills.
  • Sound time-management and prioritization skills.
  • Familiarity with Rwanda context; Particular experience in land management and development planning.
  • Experienced in team leadership and coordination.

7.    Evaluation Method

 The proposals received will be evaluated per the criteria and associated weights as indicated in the table below.



Relevant and fully validated experience and expertise of the individual, demonstrated by past work and training.


Technical proposal showing a clear understanding of the objectives of the assignment.


Approaches/methodology suggested in the technical proposal are well-defined, relevant, and correspond to the assignment of the TORs


Approaches suggested in the technical proposal, including the work plan, are feasible and provide a clear path for successful, on-time, on-budget completion of the work.


Demonstrated excellent leadership and communication skills, and the ability to work under tight timelines and manage and resolve issues and problems as they arise.




8.    Application 

 Offers should indicate “Your Name” – “Terms of Reference to carry out ecosystem services valuation in Kigali City and Rweru-Mugesera Wetland Complexes ” in the subject line.

Interested consultants are invited to submit Financial and technical proposal (in English) by email to rwanda@iucn.org copying Valentine.Ikirezi@iucn.org .The application must be received on or before 19th March 2021 at 5.00 p.m.


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