Urutonde rw’imyanya y’akazi yanyuze kurubuga amarebe.com mucyumweru cya 03-10/10/2020


Kanda kumwanya ushaka kureba:


1. Various Job opportunities avairable at Kigali Marriott Hotel: Closing date: Ongoing

2. Imyanya 4 y’akazi muri FONERWA: Deadline:28th October 2020 at 3:00 pm local time

3. Imyanya 20 y’akazi muri Rwanda Correctional Services:Deadline: 15/10/2020

4. (X2)Health Economists at Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI):Deadline: 15-10-2020

5. (X10) Program Officer (OVC & DREAMS) at FXB Rwanda:Deadline: 16-10-2020

6. Imyanya 3 y’akazi muri Mikajy Design : Deadline: 20/10/2020

7. 5 job positions available at Ministry of Health: Deadline:13/10/2020

8. Imyanya 4 y’akazi muri Business Development Fund Ltd (BDF) :Deadline: Tuesday, 27/10

9. 4 job opportunities available at Nation Holdings Rwanda ltd, Kigali: Closing date 31-10-2020

10. Imyanya y’akazi muri Ngali Mining Ltd: Deadline:14th October 2020 at 4 PM

11. Job opportunities available at Sustainable Harvest Rwanda Ltd: Deadline: 23/10/2020

12. Imyanya y’akazi itandukanye muri Sustainable Growers Rwanda: Deadline: 23 Oct 2020

13. Imyanya y’akazi muri UNHCR-Rwanda: Deadline: 16 Oct 2020

14. Finance partner at Mastercard Foundation: Closing date: October 16,2020

15. Strategic Partnerships Manager at African Management Institute: Closing Date : 5th November 20/20.

16. Sales Representative Addressya: Deadline: 05-11-2020

17. Accountant at Gotis Ltd:Deadline:16-10-2020

18. Accountant at Gotis Ltd:Deadline:16-10-2020

19. Administrative Assistant at Uzima Chicken: Deadline :17-10-2020

20. Managing Director at Inkomoko, Kigali, Rwanda:Closing date: 01/11/2020

21. Evaluation and Learning Specialist – Social Inclusion & Gender at Voluntary service overseas (vso)deadline: 11-10-2020

22. Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Engineer at Living Water International- Rwanda.

23. Proposal Coordinator and Writer at Save the Children: Deadline: 21-10-2020

24. Assistant or Associate Professor of One Health University of Global HealthHealth

25. Sponsorship Coordinator at Plan International Rwanda: Deadline: 15-10-2020

26. Education & ICT Specialist at Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA):Deadline: 19-10-2020

27. National Programme Officer at Embassy of Sweden , Kigali, Rwanda:Closing Date: 23 Oct 2020

28. Programme support officer a interpeace: Closing date: October-172020


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