7 Jobs Advertisement at Energy Development Coorporation Limited (EDCL): Deadline:03/09/2021


The Afrcan Development Bank (AFDB) and European Investment Bank (ElB) has signed the Financing Agreement with the Republic of Rwanda to implement the ”TRANMSISSION SYSTEM REINFORCMENT AND LAST MILE CONNECTIVIT ”. I n the above context, Energy Development  Corporation  Limited  (EDCL) a subsidiairy  of    Rwanda  Energy  Group (REG)  as the key implementer of the Project Agreement linked to the above Financing Agreement, seeks to recruit qualified and competent staff on the followi g positions:

  1. Project Coordinator / RUEAP (1)
  2. Senior Financial Specialist/RUEAP (1)
  3. Transmission Line Project Manager/RUEAP (1)
  4. Access Project Manager/RUEAP (1)
  5. Procurement Specialist/RUEAP (2)
  6. Substation Engineer/RUEAP (1)

Click here for details & to Apply


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