6 job positions at HIV- NATIONAL STRATEGIC FUNDING PROJECT- RBF MODE : Deadline Aug 3, 2021


1. Kimisagara Center Coordination Program manager

Job description

Under the supervision of the SPIU Coordinator, the center coordination specialist will be to coordinate all center activities including youth mobilization, resource mobilization and partners’ engagement
he/she will focus on the following duties
– Coordinate all activities of Kimisagara YEGO canter.
– Represent the center in all activities at Sector and District levels.
– Ensure funds mobilization for the center’s activities
– Ensure the efficient mobilization and sensitization of youth
– Ensure the effective use of funds, documents, and equipment/materials of the center.
– Supervise and coordinate youth center staff.
– Conduct monitoring and evaluation of activities at the level of the community.
– Prepare different reports and ensure that they are submitted to the concerned authorities.
– Collaborate with local authorities, other partners, and all implementing agencies to empower young people.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration

    Experience: 5

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Project Management

    Experience: 5

  • Master’s Degree in Project Management

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Administrative Sciences

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelors Degree in Human Resource Management

    Experience: 5

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies

    Experience: 5

  • Master’s Degree in Economics

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Development Studies

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Sociology

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sciences

    Experience: 5

  • Degree in Political Sciences

    Experience: 3

  • Master’s Degree in Management or Business Administration

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

    Experience: 5

  • Bachelors degree in management

    Experience: 5

  • Master’s degree in Social work

    Experience: 3

  • Bachelor degree in Sociology

    Experience: 5

  • Master’s degree in Public Administration

    Experience: 3

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Analytical skills

  • Resource management skills

  • Leadership skills

  • Excellent team work, leadership and coaching skills;

2. VCT Councellor at KIMISAGARA

Job description

Under the supervision of the KIMISAGARA Centre Coordination Program Manager, the VCT Counsellor will be to conduct all VCT related activities including youth mobilization through IEC and BCC sessions, comprehensive VCT, and SRH services to youth in accordance with Ministry of Health/RBC guidelines.

He/she will be focusing on the following duties

– Ensure that all materials and consumables needed for VCT are regularly available.
– Ensure laboratory and data quality control
– Ensure FP integration in VCT activities
– Apply all policies, measures, procedures, and protocols relevant to VCT services
– Prepare weekly and monthly reports of VCT activities, following guidance from the VCT from RBC/HIV division.
– Provide comprehensive VCT and SRH services (HIV, Pregnancy Test, STI treatments, FP and VMMC) in a friendly and confidential manner
– Refer and follow all HIV positive clients to the health facilities
– Refer all clients who reported having STI’s symptoms to the health facilities
– Refer clients who need FP methods to the health facilities
– Refer all uncircumcised men tested HIV negative and who are interested in
– Complete all relevant data collection tools

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Psychology

    Experience: 1

  • Bachelor’s Degree in General Nursing

    Experience: 1

  • Advanced Diploma in Nursing

    Experience: 2

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Ability to multi-task, plan, organize and get things done as required;

Click here to apply

3. Lab Technician at KIMISAGARA

Job description

Under the supervision of the KIMISAGARA Centre Coordination Program Manager, the Lab Technician will be to conduct all test-related activities including youth mobilization through IEC and BCC sessions, comprehensive VCT, and SRH services to youth in accordance with Ministry of Health/RBC guidelines.
He/she will be focusing on the following duties
– Test all samples submitted by the counsellors according to the LNR algorithm and give results back to counsellors
– Respect confidentiality
– Prepare and bring samples to LNR for quality control
– Respect universal measures of laboratory safety
– Produce a report of VCT test kits and consumables, and submit orders

  • Minimum Qualifications

    • Advanced Diploma in Laboratory

      Experience: 2

    • Diploma (A2) in Medical Laboratory

      Experience: 2

    Competency and Key Technical Skills

    • Integrity

    • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

    • Inclusiveness

    • Accountability

    • Communication

    • Teamwork

    • Client/citizen focus

    • Professionalism

    • Commitment to continuous learning

Click here to apply

4. Youth Center Coordination Officer at District Level

Job description

Under the supervision of the SPIU Coordinator, the Youth Centre Coordination Officer will be in charge of:
He/she will be focusing on the following duties
– To coordinate all activities of the youth-friendly center.
– To represent the Youth-friendly center in all activities at Sector and District levels.
– To ensure funds mobilization for the center’s activities
– To ensure the efficient mobilization and sensitization of youth
– To ensure the effective use of funds, documents, and equipment/materials of the center.
– To supervise and coordinate youth center staff.
– To conduct monitoring and evaluation of activities at the level of the community.
– To prepare different reports and ensure that they are submitted to the concerned authorities.
– To collaborate with local authorities, other partners, and all implementing agencies to empower young people.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelors Degree in Human Resource Management

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management or Business Administration

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

    Experience: 0

  • Bachelor’s degree in Social work

    Experience: 0

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Excellent Analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills

  • Analytical and problem-solving skills

  • Leadership and management skills

  • Advanced knowledge of the investment strategy, the priority areas of investment promotion, industry trends and opportunities

  • Excellent command of Rwanda’s commercial regulatory framework;

Click here to apply

5. VCT Councellor at District Level

Job Description

Under the supervision of the Youth Center Coordinator, the VCT Counsellor will be to conduct all VCT related activities including youth mobilisation through IEC and BCC sessions, comprehensive VCT and SRH services to youth in accordance with Ministry of Health/RBC guidelines.

He/she will be focusing on the following duties

– Ensure that all materials and consumables needed for VCT are regularly available.
– Ensure laboratory and data quality control
– Ensure FP integration in VCT activities
– Apply all policies, measures, procedures and protocols relevant to VCT services
– Prepare weekly and monthly reports of VCT activities, following guidance from the VCT from RBC/HIV division.
– Provide comprehensive VCT and SRH services (HIV, Pregnancy Test, STI treatments, FP and VMMC) in a friendly and confidential manner
– Refer and follow all HIV positive clients to the health facilities
– Refer all clients who reported having STI’s symptoms to the health facilities
– Refer clients who need FP methods to the health facilities
– Refer all uncircumcised men tested HIV negative and who are interested in
– Complete all relevant data collection tools

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Psychology

    Experience: 1

  • Advanced Diploma in Clinical Medicine

    Experience: 2

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Medicine

    Experience: 1

  • Advanced Diploma in Clinical Psychology

    Experience: 2

  • Advanced Diploma in Degree in Nursing

    Experience: 2

  • Advanced Diploma in Nursing

    Experience: 2

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Ability to deliver multiple results simultaneously;

Click here to apply

6. Lab Technician at District Level

Job description

Under the supervision of the Youth Centre Coordination Officer, the Lab Technician will be to conduct all test related activities including youth mobilisation through IEC and BCC sessions, comprehensive VCT and SRH services to youth in accordance with the Ministry of Health/RBC guidelines.
He/she will be focusing on the following duties
– Test all samples submitted by the counsellors according to the LNR algorithm and give results back to counsellors
– Respect confidentiality
– Prepare and bring samples to LNR for quality control
– Respect universal measures of laboratory safety
– Produce a report of VCT test kits and consumables, and submit orders

Minimum Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences

    Experience: 1

  • Diploma (A2) in Medical Laboratory

    Experience: 2

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

Click here to apply


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