3 job positions of Business and Investment Promotion Officer Under Statute at KIGALI CITY: Deadline: Nov 10, 2022


Job Description

Duties and responsibilities:
– Implement the City of Kigali’s strategy on business and investment and monitor its implementation at Sector level and produce consolidated reports thereof;
– Identify, update and promote business investment and funding opportunities/ potentialities available in the District and coordinate the channelling of information to existing or potential investors;
– Ensure a coordinated implementation of campaign programs meant to mobilize people into collective investment groups;
– Identify and promote potential sites for business facilities construction across the District;
– Implement, in close collaboration with other concerned stakeholders, the City of Kigali strategies meant to attract business and financial institutions in the district;
– Organize sensitization campaigns of the operators of the private sector and of the population to invest in training and apprenticeship;
– Develop and implement mechanisms to promote auto job training;
– Provide technical assistance in contract negotiation between MSMEs, cooperatives and large companies, traders or financial institutions;
– Facilitate business linkages and value chains to ensure smooth market access and removal of middlemen transaction costs;
– Supervise, advise and support cooperatives and MSMEs on the establishment of business programs supported through various Government or donors’ Programs;
– Implement the City of Kigali’ mechanisms meant to raise local population’s awareness on the existing business opportunities within the District and facilitate MSMEs in the organization of events meant to showcase and market their products;
– Maintain and manage an updated database of MSMEs operating in the District;
– Establish and update a list of small entrepreneurs who graduated into SMEs;
– Elaborate and implement, in collaboration with key stakeholders, capacity building programs meant to upgrade MSMEs and cooperatives business skills and technology.
– Maintain an updated database of business and investment information in the district;
– Produce regular analytical reports on Business and Investment Promotion in the district;
– Maintain direct technical working relationships with Business and Investment Promotion Specialist at City of Kigali head office;
– Perform any other duties assigned by the supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelors in Project Management

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Agri-business

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Rural Development

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Microfinance Banking

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Trade and Investment

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Commercial Engineering

    0 Year of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Cooperative Management

    0 Year of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • N/A

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

Click here to apply


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