2Job positions of Clinical transition Sites Financial support officers Under Contract at MINISANTE : Deadline: May 9, 2023


Job Description

1. MOH-COAG Project Planning and implementation
 Support Transitioned sites and other MOH components in annual planning for MOH-COAG project which involves developing a budget and its narrative and updating the HR list of all sub-recipients.
 Follow up of the implementation of planned activities in all supported components. This involves verifying and approving request of funds for activity implementation, preparation of spending plans, and preparation of funds disbursements.
 Preparation of redirection requests
 Preparation of carryover requests,
2. Supervision and Mentorship in financial management
 Ensure sub recipients have all necessary resources to successfully attain objectives and properly manage MOH funds received, in accordance with the terms of sub agreements
 Provide Quarterly technical assistance to transitioned sites and produce a report of findings and recommendations to improve financial and administrative management systems of sub-recipients
 Preparation and participation in internal and external financial audits.
3. Follow up of budget execution and status reporting.
 Preparation of Annual Federal Financial Report to CDC.
 Provide Financial and Management expertise in the implementation of the budget at the sub-recipient level
 Ensure that financial transactions are implemented according to the work plan and budget and reported timely.
 Preparation and follow up of MoUs compliance for all transitioned sites
 Ensure that sub-recipients keep books of account updated and accurate, transactions are recorded and supporting documents are provided, in accordance with MOH and USG policies
 Collect, analyze and compile periodical financial reports and spending plans (monthly and quarterly) from the transitioned sites,
 Participate in elaboration of annual PEPFAR Expenditure Analysis report
 Elaborate quarterly budget execution for MOH-COAG sub-recipients

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelors in Project Management

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

    2 Years of relevant experience

  • Public Finance

    2 Years of relevant experience

Competency and Key Technical Skills

  • Integrity

  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

  • Inclusiveness

  • Accountability

  • Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Client/citizen focus

  • Professionalism

  • Commitment to continuous learning

  • Time management skills

  • Working independently and without close supervision

  • Relevant experience in Accounting, Public Finance, Management, Business administration or Project Management

  • Working experience and comprehensive knowledge in Rwandan financial system

  • Working experience in the USG financial regulations

  • Working knowledge of the planned activities of all sub-recipients of MOH-COAG project

  • High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy

  • Efficient, effective and economic use of resources

  • Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services

  • Devotion and serving public interest

  • Accountability for administrative decisions

  • Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information

  • Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.

  • Decency and integrity.

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