2 Job positions of Systems Administration Engineer at Rwanda Airports Company (RAC):Deadline:March 16th 2023 at 5:00PM


Rwanda Airports Company (RAC) wishes to recruit qualified, hardworking, well-motivated and experienced employees on open ended contract basis with attractive remuneration packages.

Position: Systems Administration Engineer


 Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication,Electronic Engineering or IT;
 At least 1 year of work experience in telecommunications, Electronics or IT;
 Maximum age limit is 35


 Responsible for designing, organizing, modifying, and supporting a company’s computer systems. Designs and installs LANs, WANs, Internet and intranet systems, and network
 Support LANs, WANs, network segments, Internet, and intranet systems;
 Maintain system efficiency;
 Maximum age limit is 35  Ensure design of system allows all components to work properly together;
 Troubleshoot problems reported by users;
 Make recommendations for future upgrades;
 Maintain network and system security;
 Analyze and isolate issues;
 Monitor networks to ensure security and availability to specific users;
 Evaluate and modify system’s performance;
 Identify user needs;
 Maintain integrity of the network, server deployment, and security;
 Ensure network connectivity throughout a company’s LAN/WAN infrastructure is on par with technical considerations;
 Design and deploy networks;
 Perform network address assignment;
 Assign routing protocols and routing table configuration;
 Assign configuration of authentication and authorization of directory services;
 Maintain network facilities in individual machines, such as drivers and settings of personal computers as well as printers;

 Maintain network servers such as file servers, VPN gateways, and intrusion detection systems;
 Administer servers, desktop computers, printers, routers, switches, firewalls, phones, personal digital assistants, smartphones, software deployment, security updates and

How to apply

Interested Rwandan candidates must submit a hard copy of the below listed documents to Rwanda Airports Company head office at Kigali
International Airport not later than March 16th 2023 at 5:00PM:

 Download, fill and sign an application form obtained from RAC Website: www.rac.co.rw;
 Copies of notified degree, diploma and professional certificates;
 Copy of National Identity Card;
 Copy of driving license where applicable.

Managing Director


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