2 Job positions of Legal Officer at BPR Bank Rwanda Plc: Deadline: Tuesday, October 18, 2022, @ 5 PM E.A Time


The job purpose is to render quality and cost-effective in-house legal services to the bank.

Main Responsibilities:

• Ensure timely renewal of securities held by the bank in order to minimize credit risk;
• Follow up on the perfection of securities and documentation
• Follow up on the safekeeping and withdrawal of all of the Bank’s securities;
• Advise the bank and train staff on legal matters in order to create awareness

Educational qualifications & Work experience:
• Bachelor’s degree in Law, ILPD Diploma
• 3+ years’ Legal practice in the banking sector

Skills critical to the role:
• Sound knowledge and understanding of relevant in-country laws.
• Contract drafting skills.
• Knowledge of Microsoft office suite.
• Strong ethics

How to apply

All applications to be sent to recruitment@bpr.rw. Deadline for application; Tuesday, October 18, 2022, @ 5 PM E.A Time. For more details about BPR Bank Rwanda Plc, visit www.bpr.rw.


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