2 Job Positions at Federation Handicap International Rwanda (Deadline: 10 octobre 2021)


1.Physical Rehabilitation Technical Advisor


Physical Rehabilitation Technical Advisor

If you have a taste for challenges, a real commitment to development, and a deep sensitivity towards vulnerable people in general and persons with disabilities in particular, then this recruitment notice is for you!

Fédération Handicap International, which implements its programs under its operational, branding name of “Humanity & Inclusion” (HI), is seeking a Physical Rehabilitation Technical Advisor for an anticipated five-year USAID-funded Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) activity in Rwanda.

The proposed project aims to improve maternal, infant, child, and adolescent nutrition, development, functional, and health outcomes. It will address child development gaps, specifically unmet physical rehabilitation and assistive technology (rehab/AT), and social inclusion needs for infants, children and adolescent, and adults with disabilities. The activity will focus on community-level service delivery, community-health facility linkages, and district-level capacity development, as well as address issues of inclusion and participation, including access to programs and services for children and adolescent with disabilities, in line with the Government of Rwanda (GoR) priorities.

The Physical Rehabilitation Technical Advisor reports to project Manager and will provide technical leadership in the development of physical rehabilitation, including assistive technology, and health system approaches.

This position is contingent upon donor approval and funding.


The Physical Rehabilitation Technical Advisor will be entitled to performing the following activities:

  • Support the development and strengthening of community-based rehabilitation services for mothers, infants, children, and adults
  • Work at the district and national level to support policy, planning, budgeting, coordination, implementation, and monitoring of rehab/AT services
  • Develop tools and training for frontline workers (facility and community based) to support children with disabilities and their families to participate in ECD/nutrition services
  • With NCDA, inform development and rollout of adapted ECD tools/training for caregivers of children with disabilities.
  • Coordinate with project staff to ensure the implementation of the Disability Inclusion and Rehab/AT Strategy
  • Support with project reporting, ensuring that updates and progress on related indicators and successes are included in project reports and annual work plans.
  • Work with and support Monitoring, Evaluation, and Accountability and Learning (MEAL) teams to support collection and use of disability disaggregated data
  • Build capacity of project and partner staff in disability inclusion and Rehab/AT, in project activities.
  • Represent disability inclusion and Rehab/AT aspects of the project to external stakeholders and participate in technical working groups.

Required Qualifications

Subject matter expert in the development of physical rehabilitation, including assistive technology, services and be knowledgeable about health system approaches with a minimum of seven years of relevant experience.



  • Master’s degree or higher in a physical rehabilitation and/or associated field is required



  • At least, seven years of relevant experience in managing diversity in rehabilitation systems and services.
  • Technical capacity, experience, and skills to develop quality sustainable physical rehabilitation services and community-based approach
  • Experience in working with public and private rehabilitation institutions and technical services
  • Diversified practices in the field of functional rehabilitation in Rwanda.
  • Experience in the coordination and knowledge of functional rehabilitation actors.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Kinyarwanda required, French, desired
  • Strong technical skills around policy development and quality control for training curricula/tool development/revision and support for the physical rehabilitation national platform is required
  • Experience in disability-inclusive development is required


  • In-depth knowledge of the health and rehabilitation system in Rwanda (actors, policies, management, technical tools…)
  • Knowledge of policies related to disability and access to inclusive services in Rwanda (health, education, employment, etc.)
  • Knowledge of key national guiding documents, including but not limited to: Community Based Rehabilitation National Guidelines, Rwanda Physical and Functional Rehabilitation Services Accreditation Standards, and other training manuals/ toolkits.

Personal qualities

  • Interest in knowledge transfer in a participatory manner
  •   Interpersonal skills / Ability to work in a team and involve stakeholders and partners
  • Sense of priorities and organization
  • Motivation for the development of sectoral policies
  • Ability to motivate others toward inclusive practices
  • Sense of diplomacy and maturity

About our organisation:

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is a solidarity organization international committed to the rights of persons with disabilities, of people in a situation of vulnerability, and in general for human rights. Respect and the dignity of people concerned and beneficiaries of the actions and communities are at the heart of the staff and collaborators of HI, in all contexts of intervention.

Our code of conduct is a key element to the implementation of the institutional policies that set out the fundamental principles in the protection of our beneficiaries – especially the most vulnerable – against any form of abuse be of power, harassment, sexual exploitation, and abuse, by our own staff. These policies include, but are not limited to:

  • Protection of Beneficiaries against Exploitation and Abuse Sexual
  • Child Protection
  •  Fight against Fraud and Corruption.

All our representatives are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our code of conduct. Any violations of those policy will be treated seriously.

Terms and conditions of submission

The application file must include a letter of motivation addressed to the Country Manager of HI in Rwanda, accompanied by the coordinates of 3 professional references related to the position, certificates of services rendered, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, and a copy of each diploma. Complete applications must be submitted no later than midnight on 10th October 2021 at 11:45; to the following addresses:

  •  « Humanity & Inclusion » KK15 Rd/KK10 Ave KICUKIRO IMELA HOUSE B.P. 747 Kigali-Rwanda
  • Or via e-mail: recrutement@rwanda.hi.org within-subject: Rehab-Advisor-HI-202109

Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted to take the tests.

N.B: HI strongly encourages women candidates and persons with disabilities to apply.

(In accordance with the law into force, persons with disabilities will be given priority in the event of equal professional competence or the same mark at the end of the written tests and interviews)


Acting Country Manager




Vous avez le goût des défis, un réel engagement en matière de développement et une profonde sensibilité vis-à-vis des personnes vulnérables en générale et handicapées en particulier, alors cet avis de recrutement vous concerne !

Fédération Handicap International recrute pour son projet «Inclusion of people with specific needs, mental health needs and psychosocial needs in humanitarian programmes in Rwanda» financé par le Ministère Fédéral des Affaire étrangères Allemagne un Psychologue dans le cadre d’un poste salarié en Contrat à Durée Déterminée (3 mois)..

DESCRIPTION DE LA FONCTION : Tâches et responsabilités

Sous la responsabilité directe du coordinateur terrain (field coordinator), le/la psychologue est responsable de la mise en œuvre des activités de SM&SP du projet dans sa zone avec possibilité de lui confier des responsabilités sur d’autres projets et actions en cours sur le programme. Plus particulièrement, il/elle est responsable de :

  1. Coordination des activités de SM&SP
  2. Formation, coaching et supervision
  3.  Management des activités SM&SP du projet
  4. Analyse et rapportage
  5. Assurer la qualité et l’impact des activités
  6. Exécuter toute autre responsabilité et tâche qui lui seront confiées par le field coordinator en particulier et le programme en général.




Diplôme(s) :

  • Diplôme universitaire de niveau A0 (licence ou équivalent) en psychologie clinique, psychologie de la santé ou psychopathologie ou autres domaines de santé mentale.
  • Diplôme en action humanitaire

Expériences :

  • Minimum 3 ans d’expérience dans les actions de formation/sensibilisation dans le domaine du soutien psychosocial et santé mentale
  • Minimum 3 ans d’expérience de mise en place de dispositif de prise en charge psychosociale individuelle et groupale pour les personnes en difficultés psychosociales.
  • Minimum de trois ans d’expérience dans la mise en œuvre d’activités de coaching/supervision de santé mentale et/ou en psychosocial
  • Expérience d’au moins 3 ans dans un projet relatif aux Réfugiés.
  •  Expérience en santé mentale communautaire
  • Expérience de collaboration avec des organisations ou de mise en œuvre d’actions à destination des personnes vulnérables
  • Expérience en zone rurales et difficiles d’accès
  • Expérience en matière de management d’équipe de professionnels


  • Connaissances avérées des domaines de la santé mentale et du soutien psychosocial
  •  Bonne connaissance de l’informatique (logiciels Word, Excel et PowerPoint).
  • Connaissances approfondies du Kinyarwanda et de l’Anglais  obligatoires.
  • Connaissance du Français souhaitable.

Qualités personnelles :

  • Capacité de coordination d’équipe, Capacité d’analyse, de synthèse et de réflexion
  • Capacité de rédaction
  • Capacité de négociation et de faire entendre ses idées, défendre son point de vue, etc.
  •  Capacité de décentralisation et d’auto remise en cause
  • Capacité de transfert de compétences
  • Capacité de travail en équipe
  •  Résistance morale
  • Discrétion, tact et délicatesse
  • Grande capacité d’écoute
  •  Neutralité et objectivité
  • Souplesse et créativité.

 Les Termes de Référence spécifiques détaillant le contenu du poste sont annexés à la présente offre.

Le dossier de candidature doit être composé d’une lettre de motivation adressée à la Directrice de Programme de Fédération Handicap International au Rwanda, accompagnée des coordonnées de 3 références professionnelles, des attestations de services rendus, d’un Curriculum Vitae détaillé et d’une copie de chaque diplôme. Les dossiers de candidature complets devront être déposés au plus tard le 10 octobre 2021 à minuit aux adresses suivantes :

  • Ou par e-mail: recrutement@rwanda.hi.org avec en objet : MHPSS-HI-202109

Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés pour passer les tests.

N.B : Conformément à la loi en vigueur, les personnes handicapées seront prioritaires en cas de compétence professionnelle égale ou de même note à l’issue des tests écrits et entretiens.

Fait à Kigali, 24 septembre 2021.


Directeur de pays a.i


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