2 Consultancy opportunities at SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda : Deadline: Deadline 29-07-2021

  1. ToR to Recruit Youth Social Entrepreneurship Service Provider

ToR To Recruit Youth Social Entrepreneurship Service Provider

1.1.    Background

SOS Children’s Village Rwanda is an international NGO that protects the rights of children and young people without or at risk of losing parental care through childcare, child protection, family strengthening and youth empowerment programs.

In February 2021, SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda has signed a partnership agreement with DHL Express Rwanda to foster youth empowerment through social entrepreneurship and youth employability.

1.2.    Introduction on Social Entrepreneurship 

Funded through a partnership with DHL Express Rwanda, the Social Entrepreneurship Program will support 30 vulnerable young people in Rwanda aged 18-24 years to develop social entrepreneurship skills to activate their talents and externalize their dreams into real businesses.

1.3.    Assignment

SOS Rwanda is seeking a service provider e.g. NGO or company that has renowned competences in implementing a social entrepreneurship program to  provide theoretical and practical social entrepreneurship skills to 30 young vulnerable youth (with average education level) for 6 months (July – December 2021)

1.4.    Specific Objectives, roles and responsibilities of the partner

a.    Provide a list of key topics that will be covered in the social entrepreneurship training Develop custom-made training curriculum/modules in Kinyarwanda based on the above
b.    Conduct entrepreneurship training  Organize social business pitch events  and train the youth to pitch their social business
c.    Follow-up on youth that received seed capital and report impact
d.    Train young people to develop a viable social that can generate regular income
e.    Follow up on social businesses (individually or in groups) established by youth who received seed capital


The Technical Proposal should be comprised of the following:

  • Understanding of the objectives
  • The Training delivery mode (face-to-face or online)
  • List of key training topics and clear description of each topic
  • Clear and detailed work plan to achieve the above-mentioned objectives
  • Provide updated CVs and in-depth description of the lead applicant and members in social entrepreneurship and similar assignments
  • Address of at least two traceable professional referees that can certify the skills


At the end of six months, the partner should have shaped young people achieve the following:

  • Young people are able to identify and run a social enterprise which fits to the context in their locality
  • Young people are able to assess the needs of local marketplace and identify their area of best fit in the marketplace
  • Young people understand the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur
  • Young people gain entrepreneurship and business development skills as well as understand expectations in the marketplace.
  • Young people are able to develop viable business plan that can generate regular income to vulnerable youth Young people are able to enter the marketplace and pitch the value of their product or services in the marketplace with their unique selling point and value proposition
  • Young people are able to build necessary confidence and courage to gain market entry
  • Young people acquire basic financial management skills
  • Young people are able to manage their seed capital and implement business idea to grow their businesses


Interested applicant should demonstrate the following skills and qualifications:

  • The Lead applicant should have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Economics or other related subject. A Master’s Degree will be an added value
  • Have knowledge of social entrepreneurship in local context of Rwanda;
  • Operate under a registered entity e.g. Limited company or civil society organization
  • Have in place financial management system
  • Able to produce quality narrative and financial report every quarter in English
  • Provide evidence that they had conducted training for vulnerable young vulnerable youth (with average education level) in the past
  • Have qualified Mentors/staff to deliver face-to-face trainings and do follow up of learners
  • Have excellent command of English and Kinyarwanda
  • Submit at least two traceable professional referees that can certify the skills
  • Proof of payment of tender non-refundable fees equivalent to (30,000 Rwf) Thirty Thousand Rwandan Francs payable on SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda account number: 400418314910177 entitled SOS CV Rwanda TRUST opened in BPR.


Applications shall be submitted to sos.procurement@sos-rwanda.org by 29th July 2021 with the subject “Youth Social Entrepreneurship”

The offer must include:

  • A Technical Proposal (see details on required information under methodology section)
  • Detailed financial proposal including all costs

Done at Kigali, on 9 July 2021

Jean Bosco KWIZERA

National Director

2. Travel Agency to Provide air Tickets, Travel Insurances and visa for Staff


SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda is an International NGO and above all that protects the rights of vulnerable children and takes care of children who have lost or who are at risk of losing parental care. The organization is implementing a range of programs covering childcare, youth care, family strengthening and advocacy of child rights. To achieve those goals, it organizes and conducts diverse training sessions for SOS co-workers in and outside the country.

It is the reason why SOS Children’s Villages, would like to hiring a travel agency to provide air tickets, travel insurances and visa for staff.

Required services

  • To Book and issue air tickets at a very short notice either during office hours or beyond office hours including Sundays and holidays.at lowest fare at the time of giving booking ;
  • To find travel insurance for staff travelling
  • To provide visa facilitation when required
  • Any other job related to clauses to above services

Geographical coverage Rwanda : Access to at least 8 airlines operating locally  

  • Africa : at least in forty countries (40)
  • America : at least in four locations (4)
  • Europe : at least in three locations (3)
  • Asia : at least in two locations (2)
  • South East Asia : at least in three locations (3)

Eligible bidders should fulfil following requirement:

  • Holding RDB registration certificate
  • Copy of trading license in domain
  • A copy of tax clearance certificate from RRA
  • Being a national company, Value Tax (VAT) registered
  • Five years experience in Air Travel and Ticketing Industry
  • Presentation of IATA certificate of accreditation will be an added value
  • A copy of social security certificate from RSSB Valid certificate from the relevant PSF local association
  • Details of successfully executed similar work along with good completion certificates (At least 3 certificates)
  • Proof of payment of tender non-refundable fees equivalent to (30,000 Rwf) Thirty Thousand Rwandan Francs payable on SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda account number: 400418314910177 entitled SOS CV Rwanda TRUST opened in BPR
  • Bidders are requested to provide financial offers, giving corporate discounts for almost airlines operating into Rwanda

Bidders should also highlight:  

  • Other benefits that can be offered to SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda
  • Charge for fixed date change
  • Cancellation charge
  • Other charges not highlighted above

Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the bidder ‘s performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as nonresponsive and might be rejected; The bid price shall be quoted entirely in Rwandan Francs, all taxes and charges inclusive; In case the offer price will be expressed in foreign currencies, it shall be converted into Rwandan Francs at the National Bank of Rwanda selling rate as per effective dates.

Two agencies will be selected on the basis of offering highest discount and will be given an annual framework agreement renewable upon agreement of both parties

For travel insurances and visa, bidders should define how they will manage and handle SOS Children‘s Villages Rwanda demands and the way they will offer the best negotiated rate of all required services.

 How to bid

Bids should be submitted to the National Office of SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda located at Kacyiru through the following emal: sos-procurement@sos-rwanda.org, not later than 20th  July 2021.

 Done at Kigali, June 29th, 2021


Jean Bosco KWIZERA

National Director


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